Attached is a story that I think you will enjoy. It brings together new technology and old passions. My readers, although biased have been uniformly positive. The story is a little long, but the way the story is told maintains the sense of intrigue and excitement. The font changes are necessary to clearly differentiate the website from the events happening in the house. I hope you will find this worthy of publishing. (I have published well over 50 articles in trade and association magazines on leadership and management topics.)
Perfect Crimes
Ronald B. Pickett
Preface My pulse was strong and fast. I could feel it in my neck, the buzzing in my ears, and the top of my chest, pounding and so loud I was certain he could hear me. The sharp crack sound had brought me out of a sound sleep and my instinct was to run into the closet. The clothes in the closet felt soothing and helped me calm down - slightly, the smells of my body and my girlfriend’s gave an instantaneous and incongruous surge of safety and warmth.
I pushed that out of the way immediately, damned if I was going to be lulled out of my alertness. I had to breathe carefully and quietly.
How he got into the house was beyond me. I had new locks and dead bolts installed as soon as this nightmare started, but he easily broke in, and was searching the lower floor. It wouldn’t be long until he started up the stairs, he was after me and wouldn’t stop until he found me and “executed” me.
I had a gun in my right hand, my 9mm semiautomatic; there was a round in the chamber. So when he opened the door, I could fire quickly and keep firing until the clip was empty. No, I wouldn’t reload – end up like Danny Palm, never reload, but make sure you have a full clip when you start.
Could he be on “speed?” I had heard what that does to people, gives them superhuman strength and endurance, maybe the 9mm wouldn’t be enough, but it was too late to get the .357, besides it was a revolver and only held 6 shots I wanted to put more into his body.
Can’t be concerned about that now. The recent visits to the range would have to count. I think I heard the stairs creak. How the hell did this happen?
Chapter One
Three years ago I started a project that was mostly for my own amusement. Of course if it worked out I knew I would want to get the stories published, but that would have to wait. Most crimes go unsolved. (40% for murder), and that doesn’t include the ones that are never reported or don’t get into the system.
How did the “perps” (I’m not a cop, but some of the terminology does creep into common usage) get away with it? Sure, there’s a TV show “I (Almost) Got Away With It!” But that’s cop publicity – they don’t want success stories getting out in public.
So, I wondered,” What about the ones who do get away with their crimes?” It was a combination of curiosity and fascination with the criminal mind; what makes people do things that hurt others, fit with my education.
Most criminals get caught because they’re sloppy, dumb, or, can’t keep their mouths shut; they tell a casual acquaintance, brag to a friend, or share a confidence to prove how smart and tough they are. But how about the ones that are smart, careful, and can keep their mouths shut? They are the ones who do get away with it! They were the ones I wanted to hear about.
When I saw this graph, I was surprised, amazed seems closer to my reaction. If you watch CSI, NCIS, or Law and Order, you come to believe that conviction is an almost certain result of committing a crime. I now believe that I leave a constant trail of DNA, like Hansel and Gretel spreading bread crumbs, and if I so much as keep incorrect change I’ll end up incarcerated by the end of the day. Now, after seeing the data I’m not nearly so worried.
Here’s my plan: I’ll open up a web site, add some serious security so that no one will be able to trace the source of the emails received or posted, and limit my inquires to crimes that have outlived the Statute of Limitations which exist for nearly all crimes except capital murder. The contributors will be free – never having been in prison, and can’t be prosecuted – they have committed perfect crimes!
My theory is that as soon as the Statute of Limitations runs out, these successful criminals will be ready and anxious to tell their story – especially if they are guaranteed anonymity. Since not even I, the web site administrator will be able to see the source, and there are at least three layers of security, the attraction may be just enough to entice people to respond! I wanted the slightly arrogant criminals to respond, their tales should be the most interesting and they should be good at telling them.
I don’t want to get technical, but trust me, this was a secure process. I also wanted to ensure my privacy – I kept any identifying information out of everything I did.
Sure there’s Jack the Ripper, the Black Dahlia, and other unsolved crimes, but I wasn’t after anything like that, the clock was still running for those crimes! I was able to get a note posted on several “true crime web sites” and in a couple of magazines – but I declined all requests to appear on TV. The notices were carefully written and I even included some of the Statutes of Limitations for various crimes to encourage people to respond.
Confession is good for the soul it is said, and I wanted to give people the opportunity to do so. There is a web site that lets people anonymously admit to things that they have done, things they are sorry for, regret, or simply want to get off their chest. My site is that, but much, much more!
The site went up on a Monday, and of course I checked it every 15 minutes. The first few days were slow. A couple of people who ducked parking tickets, and then bragged about avoiding the summons, a couple of married guys who admitted to having “one night stands” when they were out of town.
An old gent who described taking some penny candies from a store when he was 9 years old, and the regret he had carried with him ever since, amazing! He had become a minister; in part, as compensation of his childhood “crime.” I hadn’t intended to provide a service, but it looked like I was doing just that! I wanted the juicy stuff, the crimes that were unique, well planned and carried out. Gems of the genre.
After the first week I thought it was going to be a bust: traffic tickets, shoplifting, petty theft, the occasional mugging and cheating on taxes and spouses. I had hoped for much more, some really juicy stuff, big crimes that we had all heard about, great plans carefully executed by master criminals. I began to wonder if they didn’t really need to tell their story, perhaps they were self satisfied by their own success. But I knew it would take some time for this consept to get out and for people to trust me.
I got a lot of positive comments from the people who visited the web site and read the confessions. They loved to read about people doing something bad, and not getting caught. It’s a special interest that many of us have, a fantasy that we would do if we only had the courage to pull it off. So, I was performing a service of sorts.
Why did I start this project you may wonder? Right now I’m wondering the same thing, I was curious, I wanted material for a best-selling book, I thought it was a topic that people might find interesting -gossipy and crime excellent combination, it seemed unique, I had never heard of anyone doing anything like this, I had the necessary skills, and when I started, I had time on my hands, a lot of time.
The intruder had turned off the power, I thought I had secured the circuit breaker box with a good lock, but somehow he had gotten around it and now all of the power was gone. I must have forgotten that these people are bright after all, they are successful criminals by definition! I just didn’t think like them. It thought I could see some glimmers of light beneath the closet door. The flashlight seemed to be moving about, as he was making slow progress up the stairs.
About a month into the project, I received a posting that got my attention. The writer described robbing a bank, which netted over three quarters of a million dollars! It had taken place over 10 years previously and I checked to guarantee that the time had run out and posted it on the web site. This was good!
The “poster” described the preparation, “casing the joint,” checking the timing to get in and out, and picking a time when a lot of cash would be in the till. Most banks keep the cash count low and let robbers walk away with the money. Good, he didn’t tell us where the bank was located, or the exact date, so it was impossible to really check it out.
But the story sounded good, and the comments section started to fill up from the readers. They asked questions – some a little too curious, as if they wanted to replicate the successful caper – those I cut off. I had set up the comments section so that I could monitor what people were saying and delete those I considered inappropriate.
There were some good questions about the motivation to commit a robbery, overcoming the urge to tell someone, keeping the number of people involved small, and avoiding spending the money too soon, it was almost an inventory control problem more than a serious crime. Flat, intellectual, factual, and unemotional best describes the answers that the poster gave – he seemed to be delighted to respond to most of the questions asked.
But never the details, no response to the – who, what, when, and where questions when they popped up. He wouldn’t identify himself in any way – age, occupation, etc. Some of the commenters asked specific questions about dates, places and even tried to use what they thought was his name, but he didn’t rise to the bait. I found that I had a growing grudging respect for him. He wasn’t trying to get anyone else to imitate him; he didn’t use any of the clichés – like “nobody gets hurt, it’s covered by insurance,” etc.
He was articulate, clear in his written responses and I began to think of him as “The Gentleman Robber.” Someone asked if he had tried again. I noticed that he didn’t answer, so I got the impression that he had, and was successful. His personality continued to emerge, and he seemed like the cat burglar played by Cary Grant in “To Catch a Thief” in my fantasy.
He had been on the second floor twice now, but both times the lights from cars and noises from the road had caused him to scurry down the stairs in case someone was coming to my driveway. He was getting closer to finding me.
As a part of an assignment for my job, I attended a seminar put on by the local police. It was really interesting and focused on computer security and scams. Amazing what people were doing online, and how vulnerable and gullible people were. I reconnected with an old friend, Lieutenant Joe Standish, at this event and he introduced me to several people who were on the task force including an Assistant DA named Sam Jefferson. He was one of the leads on the task force on computer security and fraud and seemed to be a really bright and competent guy.
The best thing about the “Gentleman Robber” was that he opened the gates. His style, and his tale made it okay for others to post their stories, and I think he made people want to be like him, to emulate his style and be appreciated by the people who visited the web site.
So began a virtual flood of confessions, a wide range of crimes that people got away with. Mostly it was dumb luck rather than good planning and execution – bad choice of words. Still, many did meet the criteria – do a crime and don’t do the time! Someone told me the site went “viral” I didn’t know what that meant!
The security system didn’t work! How the hell did he disable the new, very modern alarm? I had a system installed that was tamperproof and had an independent power supply. He couldn’t have been the installer of the new system? That was impossible, wasn’t it? But that’s the only way the system could be defeated. Unless. . . I knew by now that he was a computer whiz. Maybe he had hacked the system at the monitoring station. Didn’t matter now, he had done it and I was in deep doo-doo.
The Bulldog - Finding weaknesses in systems is perhaps one of the best ways to get away with a crime. Success comes from seeing things in a different way than the people who set up the systems. Security systems need to look for unusual situations rather than the norm. Imagine a university on the day of the homecoming football game. There are more people there than at any other time; the general climate is one of happiness and relaxation, a return to hallowed ground, reliving a wonderful time of their life. What better time to take advantage of the rare opportunity when the guard is down.
Most schools have a mascot, a tiger, a lion, a “hoya,” or a “hoke”, whatever that is, something to unsettle the opponents and unify the student body. The bulldog is the mascot for several schools. Most schools have a student dressed up in a costume that resembles the mascot who runs around the stadium leading cheers, and spurring on the crowd to support the team. It was somewhat unusual, but this was an historic day, the 113 anniversary of the founding of the school.
So, the cheerleaders decided to have 13 guys dressed up in the Bulldog uniforms running around the stadium; this presented an interesting opportunity. “With all of this going on, I figured one more bull dog wouldn’t be noticed and it would give me great freedom to move around. Getting the costume was easier than I expected. I knew they didn’t all look the same since I had watched the rehearsal. So mine didn’t have to be an exact replica either.
I went on line and found one that was similar; I didn’t want any connection to me, so I had the suit sent to a thrift shop in a neighboring city as a donation. I knew it would be set out for sale the following day. Shortly after the doors opened I walked in and after shopping a little while spotted the Bulldog suit, and took it to the cash register. I didn’t want to be remembered so I altered my appearance a little, stones in my shoes, a runny nose helped by a little pepper, a hat, and hair sticking out of the hat that was off red. I tried not to say anything, and when I did, lowered my face into the tissue I was using. I paid cash, and left. Didn’t respond to questions from the lady when she asked what I was going to use the suit for.
That was easy and I didn’t think anyone would see anything out of line and remember me, even though they probably would remember the suit.”
He got into the stadium and ran around acting as much like the other mascots as possible. No one could see his face, and the other bulldogs didn’t notice anything out of order. He had a large gunny sack over his shoulder with the opposing teams mascot, a bear, hanging out. Just before half time he eased down to the office where he knew the receipts were collected prior to being deposited in the lock box at the bank. There was a guard in the counting room, but he was busy watching the game on TV obviously a biased supporter of the local team.
“There didn’t seem to be any reaction to my entering the room, the bulldog suit was immediately accepted as one of the group, another employee, someone looking for a little calm and warmth. As soon as I saw the guard fully consumed by the game, I slipped up behind him, stuck my gun in his ribs, told him not to move and pulled the cotton sack that had been inside the bigger sack over his head, tied the chord and sat him down on the floor. There is nothing like a large caliber hand gun to get someone’s attention! The cash counting crew was extremely helpful and almost overfilled the sack with bills. I had to keep enough room for the opposition mascot. I stepped out of the room and headed for the exit. I was leading cheers, waving the bear, the other team’s mascot, dancing and having a great time – fortunately the home team had a substantial lead.
I slipped into a men’s room just outside the exit, stripped off the bulldog suit, and headed for my car. I tossed the burlap sack into the trunk and drove away. The total time from leaving the counting room was less than two minutes so the “alarm” was just beginning as I drove away. This was the dangerous time, but I knew with all of the hundred + thousand people, it would be impossible to set up a barrier in less than 10 minutes.
No connection with the car, with me (outside my bulldog suit) and I was home free. The haul was $275,000, not bad for a $32.50 investment in a bulldog suit! The cops never came close to solving this crime. They did talk to the ladies at the thrift shop who sold me “my” bulldog suit, but they didn’t remember anything about the guy who bought it.”
Chapter Two
As the number of respondents increased, I decided I needed a classification system. I knew my system would probably have to be revived, but to start, I decided on the following:
1. Thefts, Robberies, etc.
2. Fraud
3. Arson
4. Assault, battery (non sexual)
5. Sexual assault
6. Revenge
7. Frivolous (you’ll see what this means later!)
Let me begin with some of the Arson cases to give a feel for what I was dealing with. I’ve never understood Arson myself. Why burn down something, except for the insurance, and if you do it for that reason, you will be the prime suspect! That was borne out by my cases. Here’s one that I found interesting. The Scorcher, it’s better than a case number, sent a description of a fire he had started.
He had nothing to do with the building, didn’t work there, didn’t own it, but he did drive past it on his way to and from work – so did thousands of other people. Why did he pick this building? He said it was because he had never liked the architecture! That I understand, but it is hardly a reason to burn it down! The replacement may be even worse. So, I really doubt his stated reason.
It was also an easy target; slightly set back from the street, a wood facing that was quite old, no modern fire extinguishers, no security guards, and a lot of places to observe from without being seen. This was a simple job, don’t use anything personal, don’t leave fingerprints or other identifying material, get the materials from open sources busy stores, keep it simple – store bought rags, gasoline from a can, a match and set the starter fire in the back.
Don’t get fancy with BBQ starters or anything of the sort. (His comments not mine!) Choose a time when the weather was good, low wind, low humidity, no rain and high temperature. Don’t even try to make it look like an accident – the more complicated, the more likely you’ll get caught; simply rely on not having any connection with the fire, not being seen, and not standing out in any way. And, count on a very busy police department.
He did some simple experiments and found that a red rag, like that found in all mechanics garages, when soaked lightly with motor oil would smolder for about 30 minutes and still have enough heat to ignite gasoline in an open aluminum plate. It didn’t work every time, but often enough for its simplicity.
He set up a video camera in a tree less than a block away. It looked like one of the simple speeding or red-light running cameras, but it was aimed at the building instead of the street. He bought the camera on eBay, and used a false identity which was surprisingly easy to set up. He put up the camera the day before he intended to start the fire, and used the guise of retrieving a lost boomerang as his reason for climbing into the tree – in case anyone asked.
It was a little more exposure than he wanted, but having the video would be worth it. He’d wait at least a month to retrieve the camera, it would be a hard wait, but he was very disciplined. He had read two books on arson investigation; one he found at a used book store, and another at a sale put on by the fire department, of all places. So he knew enough about the basics to know what they would look for. He didn’t mind if they identified that it was arson, just not who the arsonist was!
The night for the fire came and it was perfect. He was jogging near the building. Not too late so as to be the only one and stand out, and not so early that he would be easy to recognize. 9:15 was perfect in this area. He ran hard, with a back pack, and he had to stop frequently to catch his breath, leaning over and coughing, and getting a good look around. When he arrived in front of the building his timing was perfect and he ducked out of the light into the shadows.
It was easy to slip around back, set up his fuse and pan of gas, and get back on the sidewalk. At most anyone seeing him would have thought he was relieving himself. Then off he went again, at a slower pace this time. He never looked back, he kept on running and was home well before the fire broke out.
The late news had video of the fire, and the firefighters. One on-scene investigator said that they didn’t know if it was accidental or arson. Some of the electrical equipment was pretty old in the back where the fire started. The building was a total loss and the damage was estimated at 5.5 million dollars. Small potatoes.
He waited a full month to get the camera, and it was worth it. The pictures were clear and the color was great. He could see the slight glow coming from the rear of the building and then watched as the light brightened and grew and started to illuminate the smoke.
The fire engine arrived in just 17 minutes, but the old wood was burning out of control by then. There were two people inside at the time of the fire, but they escaped easily, and no firemen were injured. The blaze was a joy to behold. It was his work, and he replayed the video at least a dozen times. The crackling of the fire, the hissing of the water being sprayed onto the flames, the flying sparks were all his! What a wonderful monument this was.
He stayed away, didn’t even take his usual route to work for ten days, and when he did return, he was careful to only glance at the damage, he smiled – slightly, and looked straight ahead. He wanted to shout “I did it, it’s mine!” But his discipline won out and he swallowed his smile.
To his surprise, he did have a connection to the building. His fire insurance company had offices there. One of the co-owners of the building was brought in for questioning, but he was released for insufficient evidence. People in town always thought he had a hand in the job. I know, at this point you are waiting for the mistake, the flat tire, the coincidence, the chatty neighbor to get him arrested and tried, but remember the title “Perfect Crimes!”
No, nothing of the sort happened. He didn’t benefit from the crime in any way, except the excitement of watching the video and following the investigation.
He has gone into the bathroom now, the one on this floor. I hear him lift the lid of the toilet and then the splashing sound – the son of a bitch is relieving himself. God, I wish I could. He doesn’t bother to flush the toilet, ass hole.
A second arson story – the Owner. The business had been successful for 75 years. His grandfather had started it and his father had grown the business adding new locations and new services. It seemed to be going extremely well, with five locations now and a staff of over 150. He was thinking of expanding further, into the county to the north, he thought they could compete with the established stores on customer service, the way they always had.
Then the “Perfect Storm” hit. You know, a national company came in and built stores practically across the street from three of his branches, and started offering special deals to attract his customers. They even hired away two of his best sales guys. Next, the recession hit, business dropped by 30%, and for the third strike, new technology was introduced that reduced the work involved and cut the costs in half, computers again, now even their technical expertise was a lot less valuable.
They struggled along for nearly three years, and their suppliers became more insistent, the lines of credit dried up, the interest rates went to 18%. They had laid off 50 guys, it was really sad. The least profitable location, profit hah, the biggest drag really was in a depressed area, it looked like a street in Detroit, Mumbai or Bagdad.
He knew the systems, had been with the company since grade school, and he knew the systems like no one else! He was the “Safety Officer” de facto, He had been to all of the schools put on by their suppliers, and had paid special attention to the “soft spots” in the systems. They had experienced a very unusual event a couple of years before, a fire broke out right between two of the machines, but it was quickly put out by the staffer who was standing right there. He had brought in the tech reps from both of the companies that made the equipment and they finally gave up, called it a fluke, paid for the repairs, and went about their business.
He didn’t give up so easily, and after a couple of weeks found that he could duplicate the conditions by getting the two machines to vent a little gas at the same time. They were hypergolic, the two ignited on contact with one another! He had intended to contact the companies, but since their reps had left pointing their fingers at each other, shouting, and not budging on possible explanations, he had decided not to. A little experimentation and he discovered he could duplicate the conditions, and he even started a little fire late one night when he had come back to check on an all night process job.
It was way out of character for him; he was absolutely fair and honest. The steadiest guy anyone knew, but he felt out of control, like everything was coming down on him and it wasn’t his fault. He did a little figuring, not on one of the computers, real napkin calculation and found that the insurance for this one shop, the one in the depresses neighborhood, was enough to set up the other four stores to sell, service and train users in the new technology.
He really wanted to get rid of this ghetto plant anyway. After a lot of agonizing, he set it up.
He figured the timing, and adjusted the position of the two machines so that they would outgas their vents at the same time, and went home. The call came at 2:30 from his foreman. The fire had been discovered, and the fire department had arrived, but the chemicals they used were so toxic, they kept the firefighters from being able to save anything,
His dealings with the insurance company were quick and easy. No one could find the cause of the fires; they pointed out the location, right between the two machines, but couldn’t find any shorts, accelerants, or any causes. Case closed, insurance paid, but he always had a cold feeling in his heart when he thought about what he had done, and what would have happened if he had been caught. His life would have been much different. When he felt this way, he remembered the hundred guys whose jobs he had saved, and the chill went away.
Chapter Three
This was really strange, someone in my home, trying to kill me! I wouldn’t have set up this web site if I would have had any idea it could lead to this. Too late to worry and “what if”; I’ve got to do my best to survive – and make sure he doesn’t! I crouched down further into the back of the closet and listen carefully for the sounds he was making as he moved around the floor.
My personal favorites are the revenge stories. We humans are at our best, our most imaginative when we set our sights on redressing wrongs, getting even or putting someone in his or her place. It almost seems like that‘s what our big brains were invented for. Why do people seek revenge? From the people who sent me their stories the reasons are as wide ranging and different as it is possible to be, from minor slights to near deadly experiences. I love the detailed planning, the eye for an eye attitude, the relative values of the perceived grievance to the retribution. What is it worth to take away a best friend’s girl friend? To belittle someone in front of a significant person, to steal an idea or take credit for someone else’s work?
What is the rate of exchange for embarrassment, for a joke gone bad, for intentionally sabotaging a major project? The way a mind evaluates these exchange rates is wonderful to participate in and to observe. How much is it worth, what’s fair? How can I be suspected, but not clearly identified with the payback, not be caught? How much time do I have? How long can I wait? Revenge, at its best is a very complicated business.
Is a stolen girlfriend worth a pin hole in a condom? It seems to be since I got four reports that were almost identical in the events and the punishment. How serious was the relationship that was broken up? A marriage is pretty serious, so a stolen wife ranks pretty high on the revenge scale. However, the pin hole in the condom is not very serious if the new relationship leads to marriage. No, the stolen wife needs something special, unless the grieved man or woman was anxious to get rid of the spouse. Then, a thank you note posted in the local newspaper may be the perfect revenge.
I had managed my web site for a little over eighteen months and was delighted with the results. I was getting lots of “hits” from a dedicated group of visitors, they had formed a Perfect Crime Club complete with tee shirts, and the number of crime stories I received continued unabated. I loved the feeling of excitement I got every evening when I sat down at my computer and logged on. What great stories would I read tonight? There was a little sameness that was creeping in, how many ways can you do a crime? But every once in a while I’d get a great story, imaginative, thoughtful, no braggadocio, sincere, and clever. There was even a ranking system that had been developed for the stories – one to five handcuffs. I scanned the emails, and saved several to work on later. Then one caught my eye. There were no words, but the symbol for an attached file named one.jpg. I was hesitant to open it, I had been infected by viruses in the past, as you might expect, and had put up a strong firewall. I decided it was worth it to check out the attachment, it would be easy to delete and clean my files. I clicked on the attachment and an out of focus, washed out photo opened. I could tell at once that it was a woman’s body, uncovered, and from the angle of the neck, no longer among the living. I deleted the photo at once and posted a refreshed notice about the unacceptability of any crimes without a statute of limitations – clearly this one didn’t meet my criteria. It was difficult to get to sleep after seeing that picture.
Chapter Four
Sexual Assault There are some things on my web site that I find distasteful to read and post. So, in this category, I only post a couple of representative samples. The sad thing is that these are the most frequently read postings on the site. The descriptions are in intimate detail, clearly the perpetrators are reliving the experience, and some have retained items from the attack. It is impossible to be non-evaluative about these stories. All of the other crimes I can understand to a degree, but these, and the other forms of personal abuse are beyond me. So, I edit, lightly, and post a few representative samples.
The cunning, the preparation, the enjoyment both before and after are incredible. The selection of the target, the stalking, the anticipation of their act are described in such detail and with such relish that it is obvious why these are so popular. Strangely, to me, some of the readers are women! I would have thought they would have avoided this section. The reasons start to emerge when you read their comments. The desire for domination, the danger of the unknown, the good-bad. Like the attraction of movie stars to mobsters, rock stars to porn stars, blonds and billionaires.
My least favorite crimes were these stories of sexual assault. The sickness of the perpetrators, the pain inflicted and enjoyed, the subjugation of the victim, the power need of the sick criminal mind made the stories almost impossible to read and post. Sadly, the ones I did post had the highest number of hits. Doubly sad, since I kept most of the prurient stuff out of my rewrites.
So here’s one of the gentler or softer stories: GBH Note: This is the longest entry in my web site. There are two reasons: This is how the author wrote it, and I believe it is important for readers to get inside the mind of this person.
“I knew she wanted me; you could see it in her eyes. The furtive glances, the look that seemed like, I don’t know, almost fear, I guess was really covering her hunger. I could see her in the mirror, so she didn’t know I was watching her. She always came here in the evenings, maybe twice a week. She got out her computer and went online. I had glanced at her screen once and it looked like she was sending email and looking at some photos. I walked quickly past her and out of the Starbucks. I glanced back through the front window and she was totally involved in what she was doing.”
“She was gorgeous, long blond hair, great body and pale skin. I can see her now, 15 years later. The prettiest girl I had seen, and she wanted me, I could tell. But you know how girls can be. They have to act like they aren’t interested, at least the good ones do. Their moms have taught them how they are supposed to behave, but just underneath the surface, it’s wildness just waiting to be let loose.”
“I saw her for the first time in August, it was hot, muggy and she had a light dress on that showed off her body really well. Every time she moved, I could see her breasts jiggle a little, not much, she was wearing a bra, but just enough to tell she was lithe and firm. I could hardly take my eyes off of her, but I had to , I couldn’t scare her off, or she would be gone like the others. So, I restrained myself, I actually timed my glances, no more than once every three minutes. That was really hard. But I was learning, slowly about women. I had never had a ‘girlfriend,’ I had ‘paid’ I guess you would call it, but never a real dating kind of girlfriend. And the ‘paid’ kind weren’t very good.”
“My mustache seemed to be growing, filling in some now, finally, it was a long and difficult process, but I seemed to be using less mascara now and I felt better. I’m small, not one of those big smelly hunks, hulks I thought of them, that are so arrogant, so self-assured, so quick to pick on anyone who wasn’t an athlete. High school had been a terrible experience for me, the hormones surging through my changing body and no way to satisfy the strong need that they brought with them.
It was miserable, asking for dates and being rejected; well I never really asked, but I let some of the girls know that I was interested in getting to know them better. Alone, I was alone so much of the time. That was okay, I liked being alone a lot. It let me do the things I wanted to do without having to put up with other people. Now, I had a job, and a small apartment, nothing much, but I felt really good about finally being on my own. Now, I needed to start dating; that was the part of my life that was missing, and it was beginning to really hurt.”
“We had met, well actually I said ‘Excuse me.’ As I walked past her one evening, and she nodded. I think that counts. And I had watched her order her Latte and pick it up. I saw from the napkin that her name was Linda – Beautiful in Spanish, what a perfect name! She didn’t seem to have any friends, she too was all alone. We really had a lot in common I was finding. I also drank Lattes, worked on my computer and sat by myself. Yes, we really did have a lot in common. She must be as shy as I was, maybe not quite, she did talk to some of the baristas as she waited for her coffee. I never said more than ‘humid isn’t it?” or some such thing as that.”
As I edited this piece, I had to stop several times. I kept being pulled into dark corners of my mind, places I didn’t want to return to. I began to feel weak, incompetent, I felt lonely and called my girlfriend just to talk. I had to get up and move about, to feel back in control of my life.
“It was becoming clear to me that I was going to have to take action, things couldn’t go on like this, I knew she wouldn’t make the first move, and so it was up to me. It had really gotten bad, I couldn’t think about anything else. All day long, and especially in the evenings, I saw her sitting demurely, working at her computer and I knew that inside she was burning with desire for me, just like I was wanting her. My fantasies were getting more detailed, more intimate, more exciting. I could actually feel her skin, in my mind. I could hear her telling me not to stop, telling me how long she had waited for this moment. How we would be together forever –thanking me for taking the initiative even if it was a little unusual.
There was much more, but I don’t want to go through that again, and it isn’t something I want you to know about, too private, too much just the two of us a place no one else can enter, feelings and emotions that were so intense I know no one else has ever felt the same way.”
“I started to build a plan. It was easy to do the research on the internet; in fact, I was sometimes doing the searches in the Starbucks, with her in sight! That made it much better, like I was doing it for her; as a gift. In Wikipedia I found the following: “The three most commonly used drugs for date rape “(I don’t like this term) “are alcohol and two prescription-strength sleep aids. The two prescription drugs are GHB, also known as gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, and benzodiazepines (such as flunitrazepam, also known as Rohypnol or "roofies"); however, an American 1997 study showed that alcohol still remains the drug most frequently implicated in substance-assisted sexual assault.
“Well, alcohol was out, at least for our first time. I didn’t know any ‘pushers’ and I didn’t want to be associated with lowlifes. I had heard that GBH was available in TJ, at some of the ‘pharmacias’ a block off of Via Oriente. The first time I went, I took the Tijuana Trolley, and got off at the San Ysidro Transit Center and walked across the border. It was easy, even fun, I had never been there before.
This was my trial run, my scoping out the territory so I could be completely at ease. I strolled to the city center then into the side streets. I read the listings of available drugs on the front of some of the pharmacias, but didn’t see GBH listed. I finally got up the nerve and opened the door to a small and rundown shop. I tried to avoid eye contact, and sort of whispered ‘GBH’ the clerk shook her head and frowned at me. I left quickly. No more female clerks!
The second shop I entered had a male behind the counter, I was feeling a little braver now, and I said with a little authority, my voice still had a tremor when I said’GBH?’ He smiled and said “no, not here” I said ’where,?’ he motioned toward the back of the small shop. Then had me go out the front door. I walked to the corner of the building and turned into the alley. The man was standing there, I said ‘How Much?’ He said ‘ $50, I said too much turned and walked away.” I was so visibly shaken that I was surprised that I made it through customs, I was really upset, the entire event had scared me, I felt alone and vulnerable. It’s a good thing this was a trial run. The U.S. Border patrol agent looked at me several times, but let me go on through after checking my driver’s license.”
“Two weeks later I was back, I went to the same shop, direct from the border crossing and motioned for the guy to meet me out back. I went outside around the corner and held out $50. He put a small envelope into my hand and I turned and walked quickly away. I got a couple of shots of tequila at a dingy bar on the way back to the border hoping it would ease my fear.
This time, I had no trouble crossing the border although the agent wanted me to show two forms of identification. The small envelope felt like a huge package in my shorts, but I made it through okay. I can only vaguely remember the ride on the trolley back to the lot I’d left my car in. The tequila was starting to wear off, and I had a headache and felt dead tired, like you feel after a near accident or a test. At the same time, I felt great, I had what I had been dreaming about for months in my pocket, and Linda would soon be mine – I really was thinking like that at the time. ”
At this point in his narrative, GBH shifted to the present tense, as if he was reliving this event. While he doesn’t make the point clear, I assume he had something from her, an item of clothing or something from her body that he held while he typed. “She comes in, more beautiful than I remember, and goes to the order counter. I watch as she chats briefly with the barista and then sits down at her usual table. Everything is just as I hoped it would be.
The barista is filling her order. I’m getting more excited as I watch, timing is everything and I know exactly how long it takes to prepare the order. I move the two pills to my left hand, palm them so that they can’t be seen. No one is paying any attention to me any way. I walk up to the counter, ask for some sugar, and wait. The barista finishes making her latte and brings it to the counter and calls “Linda” quietly. He looks around the café as I know he will and that is my opportunity. It looks like I’m reaching for something, but as my hand passes over her latte; I drop the two pills into it. I know that the bitterness of the coffee and the flavor of the steamed milk will cover the taste of the GBH, and the heat will dissolve them more quickly.
I walk back to my table as she comes to get her latte. She quickly sips the froth, and then sits down. I watch through my usual mirror. I think of her as reversed, the way I see her in the mirror. She sips the latte, enjoying the flavor, doesn’t seem to notice anything different. I am seemingly occupied on my computer, but that is hard to fake with my rising excitement. I type gibberish; I hope no one is reading over my shoulder. She is sending an email, I watch as she hits the send command. She seems to be feeling the effects of the GBH; rubbing her eyes, shaking her head slightly. Now, she is leaning against the wall next to her table. I think it is almost time.
I must wait for two more minutes, the time drags; I have to watch the clock. Finally the two minutes have passed and I get up, put my computer together, and walk up to her table. ‘Are you alright?” She says ‘No, I’m feeling dizzy, and weak.’ ‘I can take you home, my car is right outside.’ She says ’That’s alright I’m sure I’ll be better in a minute.’ My anxiety rises, but I stay calm on the outside. ‘It’s really no bother, and you look a little woozy.’ She sits quietly rubbing her eyes, and shaking her head. I wonder if she will keep on refusing, I have to be cautions and act like I don’t care, so she doesn’t get suspicious. She looks up at me and says ‘You look okay, I’ve seen you in here before, I guess I could use some help. Wait for me to get my computer stuff together.’
I keep from smiling, keep a serious and sincere look on my face, try to make sure my pounding heart doesn’t give me away. ‘Let me help you with your things.’ I say. She stands up carefully, unsteady on her feet and I lightly touch her elbow to steady her. This is the first time I have touched her, and my heart skips a beat, then resumes racing. We walk to the front door, I try to keep from being seen by the staff, but they are busy in the back and there are very few customers and all of them are busy. This is perfect, better than I expected.
My car is right in front, everything is going exactly as I have planned. I steady her and open the door to my car. ‘Where do you live?’ I ask although I know precisely what her address is. She gives me an address that is two blocks away from her apartment. Still lucid enough to think to give an incorrect address that is a little scary for me I’ll have to watch myself and hope the drug continues to act quickly. I have a motel room; picked with great care, on the way to her apartment, with a room on the ground floor, with parking in front, and an external flood light that I have broken.
I assume they won’t have repaired the light yet, it’s not that kind of motel. I think back on my planning and how everything is going so well. I ask ‘How are you feeling?’ she says ‘Worse, I’m afraid I might get sick. This is so sudden; I’ve never felt like this before.’ I think “Yeah, baby.’ I stifle a grin and say ‘Gee, that’s too bad. We’ll have you home in a jiffy.’ She mumbles something and I can’t make out her words. The GBH is doing its thing. I turn off of the road into the motel, she is bent forward, and doesn’t say anything. This is perfect. I’m glowing inside. I park right in front of the room; I figured this space would be open since it is so dark back here. I open the door to the room, then return for her. She says something like ‘than yo.’ And I help her into the room. I take off her coat, and sit her on the bed.”
At this point, GBH gets increasingly graphic. This is a warning for anyone who is easily offended or does not want to read explicit sexual material. I have excluded it from here, however I will provide the description for serious researchers to have access to this material and for others to get a full understanding of his character and personality.
The music was wonderful. The Symphony Hall had been redone recently and the woods were glistening with wax. The fragrance was delightful, Gladiolas and wax seem to expand and nourish each other.
The selections went from Mozart to Copeland, just the mixture I like classical and modern, structured and wild, melodious and atonal. I was more relaxed than I had been for several weeks, since this whole business had started. Finally I could flush the constant unease from my mind and simple enjoy the sound and the sight of the full orchestra performing at its best.
At first I thought it was a problem with my vision, like the “stars” or streaks you sometimes see if you stand up to fast. Then there was a dazzle, short, the kind you see when you look into a scanner in a grocery store checkout line. Sparkling, flashing from the corner of my eye. At first I thought it must be caused by stress, God knows I’ve had enough, but then it reappeared. I looked to the left, to the box seats, but there was nothing there. Then I scanned the right side, At first I saw nothing, the just above the edge of the box, I saw a bright blue green light, clearly a laser, and it went out.
The color was not the usual ruby red that is in pointers, and it seemed to closely match the ready lights on the emergency lighting boxes just above it. It didn’t seem like anyone else could see it; as if it was at the back end of a tube. I looked back at the orchestra. I noticed a brief low light level slow flashing on the violinist at the front of the second row. Then it was gone. Two more dazzles to my eyes, and nothing.
It was time for the interval, intermission, and I was certainly happy to stand up and move to the entrance to the theatre. I usually don’t have anything except some water from a drinking fountain, but this night I had a double scotch, and would have had a second if the chimes and flashing lights hadn’t started signaling the audience to return to their seats.
There were no distractions in the second half of the program and by the end I had calmed down considerably. Must have been seeing things, or imagining ghosts. I got to my car and unlocked the door and opened it. As soon as the interior lights came on, I dropped both the program and my keys. In the middle of the driver’s seat was a tube, and at one end of it was an object that looked like a penlight, as I looked more closely, I could see that it was a laser gun sight – blue-green. Beside it nestled in the soft leather I saw a rifle bullet carefully polished; delicately and elegantly engraved in the bright brass was my name.
I called the DA’s office and talked to Sam Jefferson. “Hey Sam, we met a few months ago at the seminar on internet security.” “Right, I remember you, how can I help you.” He seemed rushed, I suppose he was, but then he seemed to ease up, and became interested in hearing what I had to say – it may have taken him a couple of minutes to remember exactly who I was. I told him about receiving a photo online, and asked him if there was any interest in seeing it at the DAs office. He said “Without anything other than a label, there was nothing we can do.” I was surprised to be put off so easily, especially since I described the subject of the photo. He rang off and I chalked it up to an uncivil civil servant! He made me feel uncomfortable, as if I was nothing to him – some people are like that.
Chapter Five
So many of my contributors confused dumb blind luck with brilliance! One described robbing a man on a street, not wearing any cover or disguise, having the man stare at him intently, and then walk into a passing car as he was rushing from the scene! His, the robbers explanation was that he had committed a perfect crime because he had picked a time and location that maximized the likelihood of a successful robbery. My assessment was dumb luck – if the man had survived, which he unfortunately did not, he certainly could have identified the “brilliant robber.”
Headline in the Tribune three days after the concert “2nd Violinist Mysteriously Dies From Arsenic in the Rosin.” Edgar Schmitd suffered a convulsion and died during the rehearsal at Symphony Hall yesterday afternoon. The original diagnosis was an epileptic convulsion; however toxicological tests showed a high level of arsenic.
Investigators discovered that the rosin used to increase the friction of the horsehair bow strings was laced with the poison. Schmidt was a popular musician who also played with the Opera Company and several chamber music groups. Friends and colleagues described a strange habit that he had of licking the chunk of rosin before applying it to the bow.
He said that he found the acrid piney flavor refreshing. No one knew how arsenic could have been added to a commercially available block of rosin. The manufacturer said that all of their products were pure and carefully wrapped when they left the warehouse. A sampling of products in music stores did not turn up any other product that had been tampered with.
Chapter Six
Stories kept coming in to my web site. Every day I spent an hour or two reviewing the new material and deciding which would be interesting to my growing readership. I was getting advertising offers a couple of time a week, and I refused all of them. I also found that I was getting queries from law enforcement. This seemed strange, since all of “my” crimes were beyond prosecution, however, it became clear that “successful” criminals were likely to repeat their crimes.
With much contemplation, consideration and consternation, I made up my mind to reject these requests. Passing information from my web site, other than the access that was always available, would have killed my project, and it was obviously meeting a need or at least an area of interest in the public.
One email said “$194,700 – DB” I assumed it was a hoax, but it could have been the first “outing of “D B Cooper the notorious skyjacker from 1971 who bailed out of a 727 with $200,000 ($5,300 from the was subsequently found buried near a creek.) So I posted it
My “criminals,” the ones that wanted to tell their story seemed to have a need to “run close to the wind,” to relish almost getting caught. Many of them were actually brought in for questioning, and they loved to describe how they put together lies to hide their involvement. One said, “The cops were much better than I expected. I have bought into the dumb cop image and thought it would be easy to fool them. Then, when I was actually in front of a real, experienced detective, sitting in an interview – interrogation – room, I really started to sweat – I told him I had a serious hang over. There was something in his eyes. He questioned everything I said, he doubled back to recheck on points from my story. He would agree with some of the things I said, seemed to be a nice guy, understanding and caring, and as soon as I started to get comfortable, you know that old feeling of being smarter than he was, he would say something in such a way that I was completely unprepared for it. I would not want him as a friend. He must look at everyone as a possible suspect, or as a suspect, and see every situation as a crime possibility.
He was really something. Fortunately, my alibi owed me big time, so big that there was no way he would change his story. I could relax, somewhat, but I really had to stay on my toes. It isn’t like watching TV that’s for damn sure. Ya gotta be ready, to have your story practiced down to the last detail and you really need to practice telling it to someone several times – but then that opens you up to another set of loose lips. Have someone who is deeply in your debt.
Two.jpg arrived 10 days after One.jpg. I argued with myself for three days and then decided I had to open it. Different subject similar content. Completely nude female, a little better focus, on her back with her legs spread. Clearly not among the living any longer. Similar hair color and length to the first. I posted another cautionary note with a warning that I would go to the police if anyone violated my rules.
Chapter Seven
Most of these crimes were committed before DNA testing became available so the perpetrators didn’t need to be quite as careful as today.
An email I received said “Hoffa ain’t buried in Giants Stadium!”
Another said “Ivans didn’t do it – you idiots!” He, or she must have been referring to the post 911 anthrax attacks.
I was getting some interesting stuff. There was a lot of personal stuff too that I didn’t post. Fun to read, but not of much general interest.
Fraud cases fit into two categories, getting even with a big company, or cheating old folks and others who are vulnerable. Fraud against a big company. Fraud – I have found that con artists, people involved in fraud are interesting. The things they do to justify their acts are amazing. Here are a few “Old people don’t need the money, how long are they going to live anyway?” “Most of the people with money have gotten it illegally anyway, so they should share it with me.” “Anyone who is so dumb that they would fall for a scam deserves to be exploited. The lesson they will learn is well worth the cost!”
The Grifter “I invented them all, not only the ‘Irish Sweepstakes Scam,’ but I followed it up with the’ If Your Name is ---You have money in a Liberian Bank’ and they topped it all off with the Work at Home Scam. I should be the Star in the Grifters Hall of Fame!” That is a direct quote from the first email I received from The Grifter. He went on to describe how he came up with the Irish Sweepstakes Scam. “I was reading the newspaper one day and noticed they listed the winning numbers in the Irish Sweepstakes.
It’s a complicated mix of a lottery and a horse race, and most people don’t really understand how it works. People were winning huge sums of money by buying a cheap ticket, and it was illegal in the US at the time, so the tickets had to be smuggled in and sold quietly. People tended to buy them for friends. Every once in a while, someone’s picture would appear with the amount of money they had won listed underneath. Most of the time they seemed happy, but a little confused, perhaps a little afraid since it was illegal.
This got me to thinking, suppose someone bought a ticket, or was a part of a group that bought a number of tickets, and forgot about it. If someone sent them a letter, remember this was in the mid-seventies, telling them that they had won, and offering to handle the arrangements for a fee, a few of them would have greed overcome caution and send a money order. I bought a few mailing lists, lower income areas, and sent a couple of thousand letters. They were really well done, official looking, gold seal, ribbon, signature, I was impressed.
I started getting responses, it was amazing, I only asked for $25.00, But the first few paid my expenses, and after that it was pure profit. Of course I hid behind a fake address and Post Office box that was easy.
So, I sent out a bigger mailing, and split up the return addresses between five mail drops – mail fraud is a pretty serious business, but I knew how to spread the threat, and was careful to shift the boxes often.” He went on to describe subtle differences in the scam and talked about keeping it going for nearly ten years, and only once did he come close to getting caught, kept one Post Office box operating a little too long, and the people he had taken we restarting to complain. “Most of the people I scammed didn’t complain because they didn’t want anyone to know how stupid they had been, and it was only $25.00.”
Then along came the internet! ” The possibilities were limitless, it was made for me. I took my basic idea, send me some money, came up with a bigger potential payoff, you’ve seen them, the imposters, and probably get two or three a week in your email. Big payoffs $6,753,219.07, a strange foreign country, like Lagos, Nigeria and others where corruption is known to be prevalent, a seemingly real person, Dr. or Lawyer with a position in a bank or a government title.
The email, charging a credit card, was simple to set up in the early days, have a built in rerouting process, didn’t take a lot of work to figure it out. And the money kept rolling in.” He described how he stayed in this scam for a little over three years, by then there were so many copycats, he decided to get out of it while he was ahead.
He was smart, he checked in with Fraud,,, and daily and as soon as he saw some postings tied to his scam he would change it slightly. He even posted positive remarks on some of the web sites occasionally. “I tried this and got $753,000.” “I’m 48 years old, and used to work in a mine in West Virginia. This is for real. I quit my job last week and I’m moving to Las Vegas.” He said “I set up the emails that said that Bill Gates would send you a check for $125,718 if you forwarded the email to 25 friends. It was a great way to get new email addresses.“ I question this, to many good ideas from one guy, but someone had to come up with it.
I wondered, did he really set up the Work at Home scams, or my favorite the “Be a Secret Shopper.” Now, every time I get one of those emails, offering me a fortune, or even an easy job for big pay, I wonder if he is back at it. Certainly he made enough money, and I doubt if he paid much in taxes. So, if it is him, he is doing it because he can’t stop, the challenge, the delight. The feeling of power is just too much for him to pass up.
Chapter Eight
12.jpg had a similar photograph, and this was too much. I decided to call Lt Standish, a guy I knew casually and had played golf with a couple of times at charity events. I told him I had a couple of questions related to a work project and wanted to take him to lunch, and no, I wasn’t looking for a donation for a charity.
We met at a local Mexican Restaurant, exchanged greetings got a table and ordered two Dos Equis. “Hi Joe, How’s the golf?” I said, ”Don’t get out enough to bring down my handicap, I’m surprised it hasn’t gone even higher than it is. How about you?”
“Well Joe, enough of that we’re both busy, have you heard about the “Perfect Crime” Website?” He thought for a minute and said “Yeah, a couple of the guys in my group check it out every so often, mostly for fun. I have heard from a friend that a couple of crimes have been solved using the information. Guess these guys don’t want to quit while they are ahead.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, these guys seem to think that they can keep on doing the same thing and not get caught. The big gaps between the cases make it hard to get a connection, and my buddies were able to see a pattern and actually make a couple of arrests. Why do you ask?”
“It’s my web site.”
“That’s interesting; they said that there didn’t seem to be a ‘cooperative’ person on the other end.” “That’s how I set it up,” I said, a little defensively, “I didn’t think I’d get any action if people thought they would be open to investigation. ‘Perfect Crimes’ has become quite a success, I’m getting over 7000 hits a day, and about 20 ‘crimes’ every week.”
Joe looked a little puzzled, “So, what now? What do you want from me?”
“Things change, I knew that I would be opening myself up to an odd group, but I thought the rules and the security I set up would keep everyone sort of inline – it was to their benefit after all.”
He said “Yea, I spend all of my time working with these guys, changes your outlook on life – sad, a lot of the guys really can’t develop ‘normal relationships’ they see evil hidden in everyone they know and are always suspicious. I’m not surprised about what you are telling me. So what has happened now that changed your mind?”
I told him about what I had begun to think about as the “.jpg killer” and handed him a printout of the file I had generated.
He glanced at the contents, said he’d get back to me, got up, shook my hand and left, just like that.
As I was leaving I saw Sam Jefferson out of the corner of my eye. Cops don’t believe in coincidence, but I do, or I did.
Chapter Nine
There are stories in the newspapers every couple of years about a little-old-lady accountant who has been caught embezzling from her company. Based on the statistics I’ve seen, most are not caught. I assume, and the following story supports that assumption. “It began with me trying to test the system. I know that’s what a lot of people say, but I’m serious.”
“My job included checking for improper payments, and a failure to verify accounts before paying them. After several years of finding nothing out of order, I decided to set up a test case. Surely this was covered in my job description.”
“So, I fabricated a bill supposedly from one of our suppliers. I put a different bank account for the payment to go to, and account that I set up, and I paid the invoice.”
“Then I waited for the accounting cycle to be completed and expected the CPA firm to call me in and ask for an explanation for what had happened. I was all set with a description of the process and could tell them that they had done a great job spotting this deviation from our formal procedures. “
“I waited one month, two months and the report was filed and acccepted. I was worried. How could this have slipped through the system. About a month later, a position opened up that would have been a promotion for me.”
“I didn’t get it, and the person they picked was useless. She had no idea about how things worked in our office and was newer than me. I was pretty sure she was sleeping with our boss, but I certainly didn’t see what he could see in her – bleached hussy! I was furious I can tell you. I didn’t get over it either, not since I could see her everyday sitting in the office that should have been mine.”
“Then an idea came to me. I have an account that seems to be legitimate, and hasn’t been discovered by our auditors. Interesting possibility. But I did nothing for three more months, then it happened, she, now my boss, the incompetent one, took credit for a report that I did all by myself. This was too much, and I remembered my secret account. It was easy to start printing out invoices and paying them into the account. Too easy. I was careful, keep the amounts small, receive them on busy days, pay them with a batch of others, and, keep your mouth shut and don’t spend the money!”
“I had a big advantage; I knew when the auditors would be coming. I had to set up the records for them to review.”
“When I started, I decided to set a goal so that I could stop before I was caught. $10,000 seemed fair; that’s about what the denied promotion would cost me. Then after I had $10,000 in my account, I remembered that there was the value of benefits – retirement, vacation etc. so I set my goal up to $15,000. Small potatoes I know. But remember, I was only trying to correct an injustice!”
“When I reached $15,000 I reevaluated my position and I thought about the impact the missed promotion would have on my retirement, $25,000. Then I remembered that I should be awarded punitive damages, and decided $250,000 would be fair. It took a while to get to this level, and I was ready to retire when I reached it. So, I took my retirement, and with my nice nest egg I began a comfortable retirement. No taxes, no reporting, no hassle, and most important NO REGRETS! They really should have given me that promotion!”
Observations: No system is safe from a knowledgeable, trusted insider. No system is safe from a suicide bomber. No system is safe from human intellect. Don’t piss off your people!
13.jpg Another girl, but this time the body was wearing a sweater. The quality of this photo was much better than others he had sent, and something looked familiar, it was my sweater! Remember the wild styles that were popular ten or so years ago? The wilder the better, swirls, brilliant colors, each one unique, mostly Italian made?
I quickly compared it with a photo of me on the wall wearing that exact sweater! This was definitely mine! I ran up stairs and looked in my sweater drawer it was missing. I couldn’t remember if I had given it to a thrift store or not, I supposed that was possible.
Chapter Ten
You may think that all of the postings would be serious, what’s funny about crime? However, every couple of days I got something that was really humorous. Here’s a sampling – One guy described sneaking into his neighbor’s garage and hooking up a splitter on the Cable TV. He carefully hid the coaxial cable, ran it through the wall in the garage and underground up the short hill that separated his house from his neighbor. He had to monitor the neighbors TV and when he needed service, he would quickly disconnect his line. He had been doing this for over twenty years, even survived two changes in providers!
Half the people in the world seem to tap into their neighbors WiFi. Every so often I check to see what is available on my block. I could click onto two unprotected networks right now. Maybe I have! It would keep me secure, more secure than my honest neighbor!
I like the guys that admit to cutting or diluting things. All of you who are using illicit drugs should read the stories that come to me and you would be amazed, or perhaps appalled! If you start with an illegal activity, one with a great profit margin and one in which there is no consumer protection agency what do you expect? They seem to delight in telling the stories too; laughing at their customers, customers who can’t resist, whose addiction is in control.
Then there are the people who are in the “export/import business;” otherwise known as counterfeit products. Their tales about getting goods and putting the labels from high quality products on them are really funny. It seems like they are always one step ahead of the law, at least the ones that survive and post on my web site. They come across as a happy bunch, making it possible for everyone to afford and enjoy haute couture. I was surprised to find out; shouldn’t have been, I suppose, that there are small shops that specialize in making labels and tags for famous brands. I was even more surprised to hear that it is a side operation for some of the legit label makers. But only for the counterfeiters with really high standards! They supply the flea markets and outlet malls primarily, but quite a few provide some items through the back door of the company stores in high end malls! That takes guts!
14.jpg My photo. Nothing else.
Chapter Eleven
He had been in the house for nearly an hour, darting up and down the stairs whenever car lights showed through the windows. He was incredibly cautious and wanted to make sure he had access to a quick and easy get-away. I could tell from the gap under the door that the lights, which had been off for the entire time flickered briefly and then came on fully.
I couldn’t tell what was happening and was at a loss about why the lights were on. I thought perhaps he was leaving, but I didn’t hear any of the doors open, and couldn’t feel the movement of air that would have been faintly noticeable. I waited, chilled by my fear, afraid to make a sound and hoped something would happen.
Standish called me two days after our meeting and wanted me to come into the office. I declined but said I’d meet him at a restaurant. After all I wasn’t being charged with anything and didn’t want to be seen associating with the cops.
We met at a Chinese restaurant that was busy, steamy and crowded. I ordered Sweet and Sour Pork with white rice and he ordered Beef with Orange and brown rice. We added two Tsingtaos. The waitress was overworked and couldn’t care less what we were taking about.
Joe said, “I’ve been checking on the photos you showed me, and those are real photos. None of the crimes have been solved, and we really don’t have any leads. But they are related and we have launched a serial killer investigation. You told me you had some new stuff, what have you got?”
“Here they are Joe,” I handed him an envelope. “Don’t open it here, it’s more of the same, except for this.” I handed him a print of the photo of me with the tag 13.jpg.
“I see why you are a little upset; this would sure scare the hell out of me.”
“What do you think you can do for me?”
“So, you don’t have any idea how he found out who you are, or where you live?”
“Nothing, my site is really well protected with triple jump outs and up and down encryption. Whoever broke in must be really skillful.”
“You don’t think he could have gotten into your house, had access to the computer, do you? One of our computer forensics guys thought that would be the only way to break into a system like yours.”
“I don’t know, but anything’s possible, I guess.”
Joe said, “We can’t do anything for you like 24 hour protection, but I’ll have a car drive past every hour or so and watch for anything out of the ordinary. Stay safe, and call me when you get anything new. We really want to get this guy.”
“You want to get him, how do you think I feel!”
Just as we were getting ready to leave a tall man in a grey suit with an expensive tie came up to the table. He greeted Joe who then said “This is Sam Jefferson, he’s in the DAs office and I’ve talked to him about your case.”
He said “Hi, we’ve met? What’s new on Perfect Crimes?”
I said, “I’ll let Joe fill you in.”
I was extremely uncomfortable and it showed. The last thing I wanted was to have more people involved, more people who knew who I was. He was watching me in what seemed to be a strange way, but it could have been his way of looking at a new person. I said Good Bye and left quickly.
When I got home, I went to the computer in the basement. In my chair was one of the head mannequins that women keep wigs on. It’s to preserve the shape I guess. But it was different – the neck was bent to a strange angle and a photo of my face had been pinned to the front. There was a note attached. “I thought you promised no cops – BAD BOY” I had the answer to the question about .jpg having access to my house.
Chapter Twelve
After about five minutes in the closet, I had just began to be calm enough to tell the passage of time, I could hear what sounded like electrical sparks, and the lights again flickered and then went out. It was deathly quiet; quieter than I ever remembered.
I suppose my senses were so highly tuned that they intensified the total absence of sound. A waft of air moved under the door and into the closet, it carried a faint acrid smell, and the easily identifiable odor of burning hair. My mind raced, what was going on here?
I was still afraid to move, but I started to count the passage of time. The seconds ticked past, the funny clicking and popping sounds that a house makes at night as things cool and shrink became more noticeable, and at every sound, I would shrink back into the clothes.
Nothing! Absolutely nothing happened, there were no “real” sounds, no movements nothing! I was getting to the point that I was doubting my manliness, even my rationality, the fear was so intense that I had to “happy talk” myself, whistle past the graveyard, hum a couple of lines of It’s a small small world..
Finally I built up the courage to ease the door open, a sliver, and waited. Nothing, I listened carefully and heard nothing, felt nothing moving, I was so closely attuned to the house now that I knew I could tell if anything was going on.
I opened the door just enough to ease out, and moved slowly noiselessly to the door to the bedroom. I waited, and eased it open. No sound, no air movement nothing, except for the strange smell of burning hair. The lights were still out and I was not ready to turn my flashlight on.
I moved carefully to the stairs, I had a really good feel for the layout of the house and could move easily even in the total darkness. I knew that the fifth step had a squeak when it was stepped on, I had used that to tell where .JPG was when he was coming upstairs. I braced myself on the rail and stepped down over it.
Still nothing, I stood still for a minute and listened, sampled my surroundings and there was nothing, nothing except the smell that was becoming stronger. At the bottom of the stairs, I decided to ease through the living room, it was at the front of the house and was lightly illuminated by the outside street lights. My eyes were fully dark adapted and I could see as well as a half blind cat.
Nothing in the living room, I moved on to the hallway and began to feel more at ease, beginning to feel that the danger might be past. I got to the top of the stairs to the basement, and noticed the smell seemed to be stronger here. Should I go down to the basement?
I would be at a disadvantage there, no way out, but it seemed like the best thing to do. I eased down the stairs, stopping on each one to listen and sense. I felt like a cat, a large and poorly coordinated cat, a sort of a disabled or very old cat.
There was a short landing and then a door at the bottom. I stood outside the closed door for a long time, nothing.
I eased the door open waiting for a squeak. After the door was open, I still heard nothing, but the smell was at its most penetrating and the dark was more intense than anywhere else in the house.
I stood there, sensing that something was different. I finally decided that I had to turn on the flashlight. I had a brand new, very bright LED that I had come to depend on during the past six weeks. The LED gives off a bluish color that distorts things slightly but really lights things up.
I pointed it ahead of me and carefully moved the switch on. The basement office was washed in the bright bluish light, and I almost dropped the light again. It took several seconds for my vision to return after being bathed in total darkness for so long.
Then the objects started to emerge. At my desk, my computer terminal, the place I ran my Perfect Crimes web site, a man’s body was draped over the keyboard not moving and at a strange angle. I looked carefully for any signs of life; nothing. I eased closer, careful not to touch the now cooling body, the meat that had been alive so recently, alive and dead set on killing me.
I thought he looked familiar, but I couldn’t be sure and I didn’t want to move the body. As I saw him more clearly, I could see that it was Sam Jefferson, the assistant from the DAs office that Joe had introduced me to. Carefully I looked at his feet. He wasn’t wearing shoes; I suppose he took them off to be able to move about as quietly as possible. Near his ankle, on the inside was a huge brownish black burnt area. The hair was singed over a wide area that must have been the source of the odor I had smelled.
The computer cord must have touched him; and wrapped itself around his ankle. The computer cable I had intended to replace several months ago, but I had simply put it off. The frayed power cord, the one that fed the fuse protected power strip that powered all of my equipment.
So why didn’t the circuit breaker on the power strip trip? I looked at his feet, just to the left, lying on the floor, with the end up on the power strip was a medium size crow or pry bar, it looked brand new, and I suppose he used it to get into the house. Then he kept it with him as a weapon, the claws were shining and looked menacing, it was jammed into the end of the power strip, holding down the circuit breaker, keeping it from opening the circuit and saving his life.
Who was .JPG and how did he do it? Those were the first questions I asked the cops when they arrived. It took a couple of weeks for the truth to come out. Seems he was an Assistant District Attorney, Sam Jefferson, which explained a lot about his access to information. He was known to be extremely bright and he thought he should be running the department. What drove him to kill 12 young women we will never know.
His background included a BS in Computer Engineering with a focus on Computer Security, which made it easy for him to get access to my web site. There were still a lot of questions I had, about how he was able to get into my car and my home. But the best that the cops could do was guess, and at this stage their interest in the case was close to zero.
The power outage was explained by a device he had built, it went around the fuse box, and he could take control of the security and electrical system remotely. So, he could turn it back on after he entered my home to get access to my web site. He could easily get to my Google Calendar so knowing when I would be out was easy – I hadn’t updated my schedule for tonight!
What did I learn? Not enough, and certainly not soon enough. but I am very security conscious now, I never expect to get anything that is stolen returned, I assume that everything I put on the Internet will be read by someone other than the intended recipient, I go to the pistol range at least once a month, I bought a Taser and got a permit, and I never put my calendar on line.
I’m thinking about developing a website specifically for revenge stories; they are so entertaining - then I recalled what happened the last time I had a great idea!
Monday, February 20, 2012
The Pro - a work in progress
Chapter One (Or Prolog)
If you’ve got ethical issues, I can understand that, and it’s okay. For me, I’ve known so many people who really should be taken out that I have no qualms about being the exit strategy for so few. Twenty-five percent of the population, useless, leaches, nonproductive, maggots, drags on the society, I’d guess that’s about right from my experience. So, if someone wants to reward me, handsomely, for removing a small fraction of this detritus I don’t have a problem, in fact it just tickles me pink. Funny thinking about someone like me as pink, I laughed out loud when I thought about that phrase.
So, that’s what I am, a garbage collector, I remove garbage from the streets, and bad genes from the gene pool. Should be an honorable profession, if you measure honor by the contribution to the society, however, the uninformed among us, the late adapters, the religious zealots have people like me classified as criminals; what a laugh that is. The 25% applies to them too, in my opinion. Still, I have to be a little more careful than seems reasonable, and I can be very, very careful indeed. You may be wondering how I work, even if you haven’t resolved the issue about what it is that I do. Let me tell you about my latest opus – only mystery writers and journalists call them “hits,” just like no real musician would call a guitar an ax! This may help you understand a little about what professionalism means when applied to an arcane craft.
The rain was gentle and fairly steady. Wind was blowing enough to make a lot of noise in the forest without bringing down the old growth limbs. In late August, this was a rare day; the kind you only get when a hurricane is a few hundred miles away and moving up the coast. The gusts were infrequent and only strong enough to whip the younger branches around and snap the rain off the leaves. A few squirrels were busy now, but soon they would slip into their nests and quietly rest and wait out the rain. At this time of the year they were fat, sleek, and well stocked, ready for the cold that would settle into the valleys in a few short weeks. I could hear the ones who were early in getting out of the rain rustling in their warm dry dens and envied them their comfort. They were chattering, anxious to get back at their work, collecting and storing nuts for the oncoming winter. The forest floor was littered with the shells of nuts and seeds that had been discarded by squirrels, and I heard the loud noises the few that had not gone inside yet made as they moved through the canopy, leaping from one tree to another before they gave in to the rain and ducked into their nests.
The rain and wind deadened any sounds that I made wading through the underbrush. I didn’t need to be quiet and careful as I usually would have been, since the wet leaves were silent when they were pushed aside. Even snapped twigs didn’t stand out in the strong breeze and swaying branches. The bugs near me were raucous; cicadas, mosquitoes, moths and a vast array of unidentifiable sounds. This late in the season it must have been like a singles bar at 1:45. The rain and mist reduced the visibility to a few hundred feet and it seemed like I was in a large reception room with a glorious ceiling and soft deep carpet. There is something about the fragrance of wet, fresh leaves and evergreen boughs that are oozing sap that makes you feel wondrously alive. Lungs clear of the city sludge and the balsam heightens awareness in a most pleasant way. It had been a long time since I had immersed myself in this environment, and I missed it. This one time wouldn’t be enough and I knew that I would soon return to the forest and not for work the next time.
A droplet slid off my hat and ran down my neck and upper back; it was cold and brought my focus back to the present. The typographic map I had memorized was clear in my mind and I could easily recognize each landmark as I quickly moved along the route I had selected. It was a little over two miles and at the pace I set for myself, that meant a half an hour give or take a couple of minutes. The mist thickened as sunset approached - exactly as I had planned. I slowed as the target came into view and I knew I looked exactly like one of the wet, black tree trunks that were randomly spread throughout the forest.
The large house was carefully lit on the inside and strategically illuminated externally. The lights had come on early this evening, earlier than on my trial run earlier in the week. The overcast and intensifying rain had deepened the dark and brought on an early sunset. This wasn’t a problem for me; I was far enough away that the floodlights didn’t reach the spot I had chosen. I could see the lights in the kitchen and my target was bright and clear. He was a dedicated gourmet chef and loved the time he devoted to preparation of the ingredients for his dinner. He was a wonderful host, but he even took the time to prepare a personalized meal when he was at home alone; as he was this evening. I watched him shop at a specialty market earlier in the day and could identify the dish he was preparing. I liked getting this close to a mark, it was necessary to tie up all of the edges and ensure the event was perfectly timed and as many as possible of the unknowns were identified and accounted for.
The lamb had been cubed, rubbed with garlic and parsley and was braising in an expensive pan. He used a light coating of third press olive oil. It adds more flavor than the virgin or extra virgin that is so popular with naive cooks. The swirling steam rising from the pan was wonderful to watch and it added a slight gauzelike effect to his face. He was in his early sixties, tanned, carefully groomed, respected and successful, and he had about 200 seconds of life remaining. I had no idea what he had done to place him in some-ones 25%; that wasn’t my concern.
I find the touch and feel of a high quality object gives me immense pleasure. It doesn’t take a complex thing, I can experience real joy in a well made wrench, or fountain pen, or another simple tool, and especially a car, but a rifle with a smooth bolt action, an artistically carved and checkered dense wood stock, velvety blued metal and a carefully selected and sighted glass is exquisite just by itself, and when it has a purpose, it becomes one of the true art forms of the modern world. Bringing the weapon up to my shoulder, was a smooth and simple movement, all of the muscles in my arms worked together and performed a well rehearsed action. The sight immediately flared with the scene in the kitchen, and the few droplets of rain and mist on the lens did not interfere with my view. I aimed very slightly to the right to counter any distortion from the window that the bullet would penetrate and prepared myself mentally for a second shot. The muscle memory of ejecting one empty cartridge and sliding a new round into the chamber was finely tuned after years of practice, and I closed my eyes and let the muscles go through the maneuver again. I breathed in, slowly exhaled and eased the trigger back. I didn’t know when the weapon fired - except for the flash and a deadened report. I saw the figure jerk backward and slump to the floor. There was no need for the second round and I picked up the steaming brass from the forest floor and slipped it into my pocket. The acrid smell of gunpowder and the stinging of the hot metal in my hand gave me a sensation of success, completion, a job well done, and a slight smile of confidence eased onto my lips. The sound of the insects died immediately with the sound of the rifle, then, soon, so as not to miss a moment of this vital mating game came back louder than before. I turned and left the area at an angle from my entry route.
The notice from the newspaper would be posted on a highly secure one time use web site together with banking instructions. I have found that payment is not a problem in my line of work. The debtor knows what might await a slow payer. One guy thought he could avoid paying me because who could I go to for help. His motivation turned out to be the sound of a high speed bullet less than an inch from his right ear. It is a very convincing sound.
Chapter Two
There are a lot of ways to be successful at what I do, and it’s not as if we have an association or anything of the sort. So, the ones who last are careful, have access to a wide variety of different techniques, have a good education in chemistry and physics, and can’t stand publicity. We don’t drink or use drugs, we maintain a high degree of physical fitness, and work totally alone and are completely self sufficient. Doesn’t sound like the characters you have heard about? That’s probably why you have heard about them! The mob enforcer from New Jersey who liked to use close in and strong arm techniques; I read about him. Completely different line of work. Although our family life was similar I suppose.
It’s an import/export business (heavy on the export if you get my meaning) that provides the cover I need and has the added advantage of easy access to a wide variety of somewhat exotic supplies. Lots of travel, extensive communication systems, numerous banking arrangements. And a great story for my lovely wife and two kids. It is as easy for me to separate my work and home life as it is for a surgeon or a lawyer, let alone the many military activities that would terrify a family if they found out. But that’s all you will hear about my private life.
Isn’t it amazing how many people get caught trying to get someone to “do in” their spouse? I’ve watched some of the trials on TV, continuing education credits I suppose, and they ask some yokel in a bar to help them out! The yokel owes the local cops for letting him off on a small narcotics charge, and he sees this as a way to pay back his debt. There is a wired, videotaped meeting in a pickup truck in a parking lot and, as soon as the deal is struck the cops pull the person out of the truck pin him (or more often her) to the ground and start reading Miranda rights. They play it in court and the sleazy defense attorney is left with nothing more than a police brutality defense.
That’s not what I do. My fee, around 250000, plus expenses keeps me out of the bar room crowd, and gives me a very interesting clientele. My guess is that most of my clients are in big companies, governments, or wealthy families. But I don’t know – don’t care. The gourmet in the woods story is unusual for the way I work – I just liked the ambiance. Oh there are some like that; wanna send a message? Message sent! But much more usual is the case where a problem is made to disappear. It could be a competitor, an unworthy suitor, a thief of company secrets, or a double agent where you really don’t want a messy public trial. There are a lot of other reasons, less noble reasons, retribution, vindictiveness, revenge – doesn’t matter to me. I am the courage and skill that my clients lack. Just like you would hire any set of skills that you don’t possessor that would take too long to acquire. The courage is a different thing; I guess you can buy a one-time use dose of courage by hiring me.
No, it’s the “accidents” where I make my living. Whenever you read a headline in a newspaper that begins “Freak accident . . . .” think about me. Modern life brings us within a few inches or at most a few feet of “lethal forces” hundreds of time every day. Keeping us safe from those “lethal forces,” is a respected occupation – loosely called safety engineering, or product safety. I attend some of their conventions to get ideas about circumventing their safe guards. It helps. The cars we drive, the electronics we use, the medications we take, even our conventional appliances all have a host of hazards sitting comfortably in side their protective covers and warning labels. All opportunities for me to exploit!
Patterns and habits’ - everybody has them. They help us get through our complicated lives – but they also open up opportunities for someone like me. Let me watch how you live, what you do, and how you approach your life, and I’ll spot a dozen things that you do that leave you vulnerable to tinkering. I think of myself as a tinkerer, tinkering with the stuff of everyday life.
Chapter Three
So, you read the story about my trek through the forest. Payment was quick, I knew it would be, and the newspaper article had exactly the desired effect – fear! Oh well, someone has to do it. My wife read the article in the newspaper and said she thought it was a terrible thing. I agreed, a terrible thing.
The same day as the newspaper article I received an email with a job offer. This was the opposite of the forest job; total anonymity – The person would simply perish (great word that - perish. So free of emotions, I like that.) I was given the name, and address, that’s all I need, I don’t like a lot of detail and description. They usually get it wrong, and they have no idea what I want to know – and I trust myself, and only myself.
I knew the name, everyone did. I assumed it was for the money, old family money, the best kind. But I really didn’t care. I did my background work from my office and had a pretty good feeling for what I would do, but it was very preliminary – a working hypothesis. The lady was in her early sixties – why couldn’t they just wait? – not my issue, not my problem. Prominent and a socialite. Health seemed to be excellent. Maybe that’s why they didn’t want to wait.
Like a lot of women from her class she had a history that was mixed: some really good works, and a rumor of giving financial support to some pretty shady causes. Just rumors, but they came up several times – enough justification for me, as if I needed it. She was active and involved in a lot of charitable functions; always in the society pages, and really attractive. A small side note was that she seemed to be involved in the occult. Séances, channeling, spooky things like that. My thought was that involvement of that sort might hold some promise to help me do my job. You know, late night, dark, groups of strange people. Practically gave me a heart attack just thinking about it!
Business trip, Import problem with a distributor, should be back in a week. And off to Boston and the start of a great trip. Checked into a hotel, 5 stars, it’s deductible, not too far from where she lived. And I began my surveillance. Watching, driving around – I had three rental cars which is a little cumbersome and difficult to justify, but helps in keeping from being noticed. Lovely old home, with a house full of servants. Wonderful grounds with trees and shrubbery, flower beds and fountains. An easy house to sneak up on and not be seen. I’ll see if I need that or not. Right now I think I can pull it off without having to get inside.
There is a very active Parapsychology Society in Boston. Still a lot of hangovers from the 1930s when it was really big, and a lot of money to support it. I stopped in and signed the guest register, fake name of course, and told them I was a member of the Houston chapter. I was only slightly disguised, enough to keep from being remembered, but not enough to feel uncomfortable or awkward. Glasses and a mustache is usually enough, maybe a little skin darkening. Nothing like colored contact lenses. I could be remembered as anything from 5’6” to 6’2” just by the way I stood and held myself. Easy to be accepted there, after all, they will believe anything!
I wanted access to their extensive library, told the lady at the front that I was doing some research – not a lie, but not the kind of research she assumed! So, I spent about three hours going through their books and files. I was surprised at how much information they had about their members. Minutes of meetings, donations, special events, personal interests, personal details, photos and videos - more than I dreamed would be available.
I was able to develop an accurate picture of Ms “Classy,” and she was going to be an interesting target. Easy in some ways, she was out in public a lot, but difficult since she was quite well protected in and around her home by serious security systems. One weakness was all I needed and I was pretty sure I had found it. She seemed to be here, at the Parapsychology Society, almost once a week, and seemed to follow a similar pattern every time she was here.
I love patterns, habits, routines. People fall into them and don’t even realize it. That’s why good security firms get their clients to vary their routine as the first step in increasing their safety. Think about the many terrorist attacks and hijackings that have used the routine of an executive or prominent politician to get at them. Then, you study the pattern and look for vulnerabilities, places or times when they are naked; outside the cover that protects them most of the time.
She didn’t use a driver; a chauffeur. She seemed to really enjoy driving herself and the freedom that gave her. It was a mistake, a mistake that would cost her. If I wasn’t inured to emotions I might have grown to like her. Attractive, well groomed, bright, except where it came to mediums, ghosts and such, and energetic! Seemed to draw people to her and maintain strong friendships and long term relationships. And she had a lot of money that she felt good about spending.
Back at my hotel I continued my research. Her late husband was easy to find. You Tube speeches to staff, shareholders, associations and even appearance before congress. Even a company web site; she was still on the board. I put together a wonderful video to play to her using a small projector. I had him saying anything I wanted her to hear. “ Dearest, “ a little hard to find in the material I had, but I blurred the sound – he is speaking from the grave and added a little static, some spooky organ music – I’m kidding! “ It’s wonderful here, please don’t wait, join me tonight, open the window, see me out in the yard, dear? just lean forward . . .” I played it several times and thought it was great. In the right mood, with a little brandy, I was pretty sure it would have worked! Paranormal message from the dead. I really liked the idea, but it had too many potential flaws and I didn’t want her to be alerted to the threat I posed to her, I really wasn’t certain she was in a hurry to join him!. (Keep that in mind for another time!)
So, I decided on something that would take advantage of her weaknesses; lapses in her attention, and something that had a very low probability of failure.
Getting into someone’s car is easy. You may have heard the warnings about guys that wait in rest areas on the highway; wait for someone to get out of their car and go to the restroom, and use an electronic device to capture the door unlock code from the remote. Then they open the door and take out anything of value. They might have spoiled it for us professionals, but how many people pay attention to warnings from the Internet? She parked in a parking garage that was attached to the Parasychology Society in a special reserved spot. But her spot was too near the door, and the light was too good there. I put some stuff on the floor and a couple of highway cones in front of her space, and figured she would pick a spot on the second floor, in a dark area – and I put out some of the lights to make sure.
I knew she would be there; James Van Praagh was the speaker/ leader of the séance! How could she miss him? She drove into the garage, hesitated at her usual spot, and then went up to the second floor to park. There was a stair entry near the area I had darkened. She was a little late so I figured there was not much chance that she would mention the closed parking spot to the receptionist. Besides, I could easily put it off for a few days if I needed to.
I figured I had at least an hour and a half to do my work. I gave her five minutes in case she had to come back for something she had forgotten, but she didn’t return. Getting into the car was easy, and I was well prepared. Think about this you are driving around with 20 gallons of gasoline – that’s the equivalent of a 500 pound bomb! It’s energy dense, gasoline. Then you have a pump that pressurizes the highly flammable liquid before it can be injected into the cylinders. And very conveniently, you have a very hot item, the catalytic converter, it has to be hot to work! Hot item, high pressure gas, why do you think you see so many cars stopped along the road on fire!
Of course the engineers spend a lot of time and energy keeping the two things – the gas and the hot converter from coming together – however, it is easy for a knowledgeable person to subvert the safeguards and bring the two together, and not leave any traces of the manipulation. Got it “fixed”, fast and easy – thanks to practice on a similar car I had rented. However, the cars you see on fire beside the road have the drivers standing outside – that wouldn’t work for me. I had to get the car burning and keep her inside, no, it’s not a pretty sight, but there is a special beauty to the concept don’t you think?
How to keep her in the car? Simple! Ever had a seat belt that didn’t work? Here’s how I did it. I took a two phase epoxy cement. It had a liquid element and an element that was like clay - mix them together and you have a quick and very strong bond. A couple of drops in the buckle element, and a little of the clay in the end that is inserted. They mix a little –not the full mix that is necessary for the full strength, but I tested it and in ten minutes it set up strong enough. In fact it took a couple of hours to get the seat belt unlocked!
That was it, a fiercely burning fire, and a lady who couldn’t get her seat belt unlocked and would probably panic. Simple, easy and quick. Good thing I can separate my feelings from my job.
Chapter Four
The payment was delayed a little for the Ms Classy work, I suppose they had to wait for the will to go through probate. I was beginning to think I might have to send a message, a very special message, and then the payment arrived.
A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to use a rather ingenious plan I had developed. You have heard about the dangers of drug interactions, right? One prescription from the dermatologist, another from the cardiologist. A druggist who isn’t paying attention or a computer program that isn’t up to date, and “boom,” well not really boom, but the patient drops dead. Happens all the time, and there are a number of protocols to keep this from happening.
So for my work, it was a matter of defeating the safety checks, and the mix-up would probably be chalked up to an unavoidable error, and not investigated too thoroughly; no need to make waves. Of course, you had to have the right target, one who takes pills! But who doesn’t, now? and the life style pills are always on the top of the most prescribed list. Anti depressants, pain killers, cholesterol lowering drugs, and blood pressure lowering drugs. Three of these are easy targets, the antipsychotics can easily lead to abuse and to loss of consciousness a bit of a problem when operating heavy equipment – like a car! Blood pressure can be too low, like zero! And pain killers can kill. There is even a TV commercial about a guy who is riding a motorcycle and has had two medications prescribed that can have a fatal interaction, like the motorcycle is a safe way to get from place to place. I love to study the really crazy things that Americans, and other moderns believe, like airplanes vs cars – but don’t get me started., I use these stupid ideas often.
The person really doesn’t matter, at least to me, I could give you a newspaper reference, but I won’t. Any way, he was a man who took prescription medications, several. How did I find out? First of all I saw him wearing a medic-alert bracelet! Clear giveaway. No, I didn’t walk up to him shake hands and ask him what he was allergic to. Although sometimes it is just that easy. In this case I had to get access to his medical record. Now, medical records are pretty secure, but they are online and that opens up some interesting opportunities. Hell, I had blood work reports on line by the time I got home from the lab last week. But secure enough, really is mostly secure enough to satisfy the anxiety of the patients. I’m not going to go into the science here. But if you want to know more read the book The Art of Intrusion: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers (Paperback)
by Kevin D. Mitnick, and that’s the old stuff. Getting a medical record number and a password is childs-play. Drugs stores and doctors offices are primed to expect people to be honest and truthful and in some degree of pain or anguish, and they are caring people. Believe me, I’ll take a challenge like that any day, “I’m her brother, and you can call me back at this number to verify, no please verify who I am. She really needs this right now.” Ever watch a Percocet drug abuser work the system? It’s a joy to behold. Or, I’m from the drug store and I need to verify this prescription. He is standing at the counter right now.” Office staff, “Is it-----? No, how about ____? No? Must be _____?” Yeah that’s it, thanks, I appreciate it, He was starting to get hostile, Suzy, I owe you one.”
Back to my story. As I said, my Import/Export business gives me access to a lot of drugs that are not available in this country, and in dosage levels that are amazingly high – you know, cut the pill into quarters to save money, that sort of thing. So I have a large supply of really interesting pills in my safe, really interesting stuff – you would be surprised!
So, access to the medical record was simple, and I quickly went to my drug interaction manual. Sure, it’s supposed to prevent drug interactions, but – ever heard of reverse engineering?
Okay, but now how do you get the person to inject this lethal mix. You could break into their home, I’ve done that. It is a simple answer to the problem, but if you have a tight time line, and a specific date you are working with – remember your employer needs an iron clad alibi, you may need a more specific and direct method of getting the work done.
Of course it all depends on the habits, again the habits, of my consumer – consumer of my product. I’ve found that Starbucks provides a wonderful opportunity for the delivery. Think about it; they take orders, get your name, write it on the cup, and leave it on the counter to be picked up. Further, the taste of coffee, especially when you add milk or soya or caramel, or god knows what, will mask the bitter taste of most medications, and the heat of the coffee ensures that it will dissolve quickly and mix the unintended ingredients!
My guy was an addict, and he went to three different Starbucks at three different times during the day, every day! I decided mid-afternoon was the best time, he ordered a grande, whatever that is, and added a lot of stuff to it, sort of an afternoon energy boost/desert, and he almost chugged it. I couldn’t see how he was able to drink it so hot, but he did.
Perfect set up. I was there ahead of him, and had my coffee at a table. I saw him order and take his seat and open his laptop. As soon as the Barrista sat the cup on the bar, I was there, adding cream to my partially finished coffee – I hate Starbucks tastes burnt to me, so it was quite a sacrifice for me – but a job is a job I slipped the pill into his cup, and picked it up – looking to see if it had my name on it, and sat it down again. He was at my elbow and immediately took the big cup back to the table he had set up his laptop on.
Another good thing about Starbucks is that you can be totally anonymous! Sit there in front of an open laptop and nobody even sees you, you are a nonevent, a non person how good can it getI I stayed long enough to finish my coffee, choking it down, terrible tasting stuff – next time I’ll order tea,, to ensure that he was attacking the coffee in his usual manner, and left. The drug interaction information indicated that the person simply fell into a deep sleep, and then never woke up. The great thing about this scenario was that he would not be discovered at his desk for several hours and taken to the hospital. He would simply be seen as napping, until it was too late.
The coffee I had in the hotel café the next morning as I read the newspaper account was much better that the Starbucks. They were going to do an autopsy, because of his age and the somewhat unusual circumstances, but the toxicology reports take over a month and it would find an elevated level of a prescription he was already taking! There was no indication of malfeasance, misadventure, or mistake listed in the news report.
Home again, home again, kids birthday party this afternoon, and a dance recital this evening. Parenting is a full time job isn’t it?
Chapter Five
One of the things I had considered on the last job I told yu about was to get the information I needed by asking to see his smart phone. People are so happy to show off their new electronics that they forget that they have a lot of very personal information right there. I took my health record number off my cell phone right after that job, you can’t be too careful with some of the kooks that are out there.
This morning there was a report of a fire started by a faulty heater, did you read it? Did you think about me? Was it in a wealthy neighborhood? No, then I didn’t do it. I do have a gas and electric company uniform that I sometimes use to check on reports of leaks in gas lines. That always works, who isn’t worried about gas fires and explosions. I even do some part time work for the gas company as a subcontractor to keep up the image and knowledge base. This is a serious profession you know, but I wouldn’t ever do a gas job here - out of town sure.
Earlier nests, dens, edges, light, medialerts, envelopes, laptop batteries that overheat, skype camera, druggist, online medical records, drug interactions, computer programs, control of cars breaking systems etc..
If you’ve got ethical issues, I can understand that, and it’s okay. For me, I’ve known so many people who really should be taken out that I have no qualms about being the exit strategy for so few. Twenty-five percent of the population, useless, leaches, nonproductive, maggots, drags on the society, I’d guess that’s about right from my experience. So, if someone wants to reward me, handsomely, for removing a small fraction of this detritus I don’t have a problem, in fact it just tickles me pink. Funny thinking about someone like me as pink, I laughed out loud when I thought about that phrase.
So, that’s what I am, a garbage collector, I remove garbage from the streets, and bad genes from the gene pool. Should be an honorable profession, if you measure honor by the contribution to the society, however, the uninformed among us, the late adapters, the religious zealots have people like me classified as criminals; what a laugh that is. The 25% applies to them too, in my opinion. Still, I have to be a little more careful than seems reasonable, and I can be very, very careful indeed. You may be wondering how I work, even if you haven’t resolved the issue about what it is that I do. Let me tell you about my latest opus – only mystery writers and journalists call them “hits,” just like no real musician would call a guitar an ax! This may help you understand a little about what professionalism means when applied to an arcane craft.
The rain was gentle and fairly steady. Wind was blowing enough to make a lot of noise in the forest without bringing down the old growth limbs. In late August, this was a rare day; the kind you only get when a hurricane is a few hundred miles away and moving up the coast. The gusts were infrequent and only strong enough to whip the younger branches around and snap the rain off the leaves. A few squirrels were busy now, but soon they would slip into their nests and quietly rest and wait out the rain. At this time of the year they were fat, sleek, and well stocked, ready for the cold that would settle into the valleys in a few short weeks. I could hear the ones who were early in getting out of the rain rustling in their warm dry dens and envied them their comfort. They were chattering, anxious to get back at their work, collecting and storing nuts for the oncoming winter. The forest floor was littered with the shells of nuts and seeds that had been discarded by squirrels, and I heard the loud noises the few that had not gone inside yet made as they moved through the canopy, leaping from one tree to another before they gave in to the rain and ducked into their nests.
The rain and wind deadened any sounds that I made wading through the underbrush. I didn’t need to be quiet and careful as I usually would have been, since the wet leaves were silent when they were pushed aside. Even snapped twigs didn’t stand out in the strong breeze and swaying branches. The bugs near me were raucous; cicadas, mosquitoes, moths and a vast array of unidentifiable sounds. This late in the season it must have been like a singles bar at 1:45. The rain and mist reduced the visibility to a few hundred feet and it seemed like I was in a large reception room with a glorious ceiling and soft deep carpet. There is something about the fragrance of wet, fresh leaves and evergreen boughs that are oozing sap that makes you feel wondrously alive. Lungs clear of the city sludge and the balsam heightens awareness in a most pleasant way. It had been a long time since I had immersed myself in this environment, and I missed it. This one time wouldn’t be enough and I knew that I would soon return to the forest and not for work the next time.
A droplet slid off my hat and ran down my neck and upper back; it was cold and brought my focus back to the present. The typographic map I had memorized was clear in my mind and I could easily recognize each landmark as I quickly moved along the route I had selected. It was a little over two miles and at the pace I set for myself, that meant a half an hour give or take a couple of minutes. The mist thickened as sunset approached - exactly as I had planned. I slowed as the target came into view and I knew I looked exactly like one of the wet, black tree trunks that were randomly spread throughout the forest.
The large house was carefully lit on the inside and strategically illuminated externally. The lights had come on early this evening, earlier than on my trial run earlier in the week. The overcast and intensifying rain had deepened the dark and brought on an early sunset. This wasn’t a problem for me; I was far enough away that the floodlights didn’t reach the spot I had chosen. I could see the lights in the kitchen and my target was bright and clear. He was a dedicated gourmet chef and loved the time he devoted to preparation of the ingredients for his dinner. He was a wonderful host, but he even took the time to prepare a personalized meal when he was at home alone; as he was this evening. I watched him shop at a specialty market earlier in the day and could identify the dish he was preparing. I liked getting this close to a mark, it was necessary to tie up all of the edges and ensure the event was perfectly timed and as many as possible of the unknowns were identified and accounted for.
The lamb had been cubed, rubbed with garlic and parsley and was braising in an expensive pan. He used a light coating of third press olive oil. It adds more flavor than the virgin or extra virgin that is so popular with naive cooks. The swirling steam rising from the pan was wonderful to watch and it added a slight gauzelike effect to his face. He was in his early sixties, tanned, carefully groomed, respected and successful, and he had about 200 seconds of life remaining. I had no idea what he had done to place him in some-ones 25%; that wasn’t my concern.
I find the touch and feel of a high quality object gives me immense pleasure. It doesn’t take a complex thing, I can experience real joy in a well made wrench, or fountain pen, or another simple tool, and especially a car, but a rifle with a smooth bolt action, an artistically carved and checkered dense wood stock, velvety blued metal and a carefully selected and sighted glass is exquisite just by itself, and when it has a purpose, it becomes one of the true art forms of the modern world. Bringing the weapon up to my shoulder, was a smooth and simple movement, all of the muscles in my arms worked together and performed a well rehearsed action. The sight immediately flared with the scene in the kitchen, and the few droplets of rain and mist on the lens did not interfere with my view. I aimed very slightly to the right to counter any distortion from the window that the bullet would penetrate and prepared myself mentally for a second shot. The muscle memory of ejecting one empty cartridge and sliding a new round into the chamber was finely tuned after years of practice, and I closed my eyes and let the muscles go through the maneuver again. I breathed in, slowly exhaled and eased the trigger back. I didn’t know when the weapon fired - except for the flash and a deadened report. I saw the figure jerk backward and slump to the floor. There was no need for the second round and I picked up the steaming brass from the forest floor and slipped it into my pocket. The acrid smell of gunpowder and the stinging of the hot metal in my hand gave me a sensation of success, completion, a job well done, and a slight smile of confidence eased onto my lips. The sound of the insects died immediately with the sound of the rifle, then, soon, so as not to miss a moment of this vital mating game came back louder than before. I turned and left the area at an angle from my entry route.
The notice from the newspaper would be posted on a highly secure one time use web site together with banking instructions. I have found that payment is not a problem in my line of work. The debtor knows what might await a slow payer. One guy thought he could avoid paying me because who could I go to for help. His motivation turned out to be the sound of a high speed bullet less than an inch from his right ear. It is a very convincing sound.
Chapter Two
There are a lot of ways to be successful at what I do, and it’s not as if we have an association or anything of the sort. So, the ones who last are careful, have access to a wide variety of different techniques, have a good education in chemistry and physics, and can’t stand publicity. We don’t drink or use drugs, we maintain a high degree of physical fitness, and work totally alone and are completely self sufficient. Doesn’t sound like the characters you have heard about? That’s probably why you have heard about them! The mob enforcer from New Jersey who liked to use close in and strong arm techniques; I read about him. Completely different line of work. Although our family life was similar I suppose.
It’s an import/export business (heavy on the export if you get my meaning) that provides the cover I need and has the added advantage of easy access to a wide variety of somewhat exotic supplies. Lots of travel, extensive communication systems, numerous banking arrangements. And a great story for my lovely wife and two kids. It is as easy for me to separate my work and home life as it is for a surgeon or a lawyer, let alone the many military activities that would terrify a family if they found out. But that’s all you will hear about my private life.
Isn’t it amazing how many people get caught trying to get someone to “do in” their spouse? I’ve watched some of the trials on TV, continuing education credits I suppose, and they ask some yokel in a bar to help them out! The yokel owes the local cops for letting him off on a small narcotics charge, and he sees this as a way to pay back his debt. There is a wired, videotaped meeting in a pickup truck in a parking lot and, as soon as the deal is struck the cops pull the person out of the truck pin him (or more often her) to the ground and start reading Miranda rights. They play it in court and the sleazy defense attorney is left with nothing more than a police brutality defense.
That’s not what I do. My fee, around 250000, plus expenses keeps me out of the bar room crowd, and gives me a very interesting clientele. My guess is that most of my clients are in big companies, governments, or wealthy families. But I don’t know – don’t care. The gourmet in the woods story is unusual for the way I work – I just liked the ambiance. Oh there are some like that; wanna send a message? Message sent! But much more usual is the case where a problem is made to disappear. It could be a competitor, an unworthy suitor, a thief of company secrets, or a double agent where you really don’t want a messy public trial. There are a lot of other reasons, less noble reasons, retribution, vindictiveness, revenge – doesn’t matter to me. I am the courage and skill that my clients lack. Just like you would hire any set of skills that you don’t possessor that would take too long to acquire. The courage is a different thing; I guess you can buy a one-time use dose of courage by hiring me.
No, it’s the “accidents” where I make my living. Whenever you read a headline in a newspaper that begins “Freak accident . . . .” think about me. Modern life brings us within a few inches or at most a few feet of “lethal forces” hundreds of time every day. Keeping us safe from those “lethal forces,” is a respected occupation – loosely called safety engineering, or product safety. I attend some of their conventions to get ideas about circumventing their safe guards. It helps. The cars we drive, the electronics we use, the medications we take, even our conventional appliances all have a host of hazards sitting comfortably in side their protective covers and warning labels. All opportunities for me to exploit!
Patterns and habits’ - everybody has them. They help us get through our complicated lives – but they also open up opportunities for someone like me. Let me watch how you live, what you do, and how you approach your life, and I’ll spot a dozen things that you do that leave you vulnerable to tinkering. I think of myself as a tinkerer, tinkering with the stuff of everyday life.
Chapter Three
So, you read the story about my trek through the forest. Payment was quick, I knew it would be, and the newspaper article had exactly the desired effect – fear! Oh well, someone has to do it. My wife read the article in the newspaper and said she thought it was a terrible thing. I agreed, a terrible thing.
The same day as the newspaper article I received an email with a job offer. This was the opposite of the forest job; total anonymity – The person would simply perish (great word that - perish. So free of emotions, I like that.) I was given the name, and address, that’s all I need, I don’t like a lot of detail and description. They usually get it wrong, and they have no idea what I want to know – and I trust myself, and only myself.
I knew the name, everyone did. I assumed it was for the money, old family money, the best kind. But I really didn’t care. I did my background work from my office and had a pretty good feeling for what I would do, but it was very preliminary – a working hypothesis. The lady was in her early sixties – why couldn’t they just wait? – not my issue, not my problem. Prominent and a socialite. Health seemed to be excellent. Maybe that’s why they didn’t want to wait.
Like a lot of women from her class she had a history that was mixed: some really good works, and a rumor of giving financial support to some pretty shady causes. Just rumors, but they came up several times – enough justification for me, as if I needed it. She was active and involved in a lot of charitable functions; always in the society pages, and really attractive. A small side note was that she seemed to be involved in the occult. Séances, channeling, spooky things like that. My thought was that involvement of that sort might hold some promise to help me do my job. You know, late night, dark, groups of strange people. Practically gave me a heart attack just thinking about it!
Business trip, Import problem with a distributor, should be back in a week. And off to Boston and the start of a great trip. Checked into a hotel, 5 stars, it’s deductible, not too far from where she lived. And I began my surveillance. Watching, driving around – I had three rental cars which is a little cumbersome and difficult to justify, but helps in keeping from being noticed. Lovely old home, with a house full of servants. Wonderful grounds with trees and shrubbery, flower beds and fountains. An easy house to sneak up on and not be seen. I’ll see if I need that or not. Right now I think I can pull it off without having to get inside.
There is a very active Parapsychology Society in Boston. Still a lot of hangovers from the 1930s when it was really big, and a lot of money to support it. I stopped in and signed the guest register, fake name of course, and told them I was a member of the Houston chapter. I was only slightly disguised, enough to keep from being remembered, but not enough to feel uncomfortable or awkward. Glasses and a mustache is usually enough, maybe a little skin darkening. Nothing like colored contact lenses. I could be remembered as anything from 5’6” to 6’2” just by the way I stood and held myself. Easy to be accepted there, after all, they will believe anything!
I wanted access to their extensive library, told the lady at the front that I was doing some research – not a lie, but not the kind of research she assumed! So, I spent about three hours going through their books and files. I was surprised at how much information they had about their members. Minutes of meetings, donations, special events, personal interests, personal details, photos and videos - more than I dreamed would be available.
I was able to develop an accurate picture of Ms “Classy,” and she was going to be an interesting target. Easy in some ways, she was out in public a lot, but difficult since she was quite well protected in and around her home by serious security systems. One weakness was all I needed and I was pretty sure I had found it. She seemed to be here, at the Parapsychology Society, almost once a week, and seemed to follow a similar pattern every time she was here.
I love patterns, habits, routines. People fall into them and don’t even realize it. That’s why good security firms get their clients to vary their routine as the first step in increasing their safety. Think about the many terrorist attacks and hijackings that have used the routine of an executive or prominent politician to get at them. Then, you study the pattern and look for vulnerabilities, places or times when they are naked; outside the cover that protects them most of the time.
She didn’t use a driver; a chauffeur. She seemed to really enjoy driving herself and the freedom that gave her. It was a mistake, a mistake that would cost her. If I wasn’t inured to emotions I might have grown to like her. Attractive, well groomed, bright, except where it came to mediums, ghosts and such, and energetic! Seemed to draw people to her and maintain strong friendships and long term relationships. And she had a lot of money that she felt good about spending.
Back at my hotel I continued my research. Her late husband was easy to find. You Tube speeches to staff, shareholders, associations and even appearance before congress. Even a company web site; she was still on the board. I put together a wonderful video to play to her using a small projector. I had him saying anything I wanted her to hear. “ Dearest, “ a little hard to find in the material I had, but I blurred the sound – he is speaking from the grave and added a little static, some spooky organ music – I’m kidding! “ It’s wonderful here, please don’t wait, join me tonight, open the window, see me out in the yard, dear? just lean forward . . .” I played it several times and thought it was great. In the right mood, with a little brandy, I was pretty sure it would have worked! Paranormal message from the dead. I really liked the idea, but it had too many potential flaws and I didn’t want her to be alerted to the threat I posed to her, I really wasn’t certain she was in a hurry to join him!. (Keep that in mind for another time!)
So, I decided on something that would take advantage of her weaknesses; lapses in her attention, and something that had a very low probability of failure.
Getting into someone’s car is easy. You may have heard the warnings about guys that wait in rest areas on the highway; wait for someone to get out of their car and go to the restroom, and use an electronic device to capture the door unlock code from the remote. Then they open the door and take out anything of value. They might have spoiled it for us professionals, but how many people pay attention to warnings from the Internet? She parked in a parking garage that was attached to the Parasychology Society in a special reserved spot. But her spot was too near the door, and the light was too good there. I put some stuff on the floor and a couple of highway cones in front of her space, and figured she would pick a spot on the second floor, in a dark area – and I put out some of the lights to make sure.
I knew she would be there; James Van Praagh was the speaker/ leader of the séance! How could she miss him? She drove into the garage, hesitated at her usual spot, and then went up to the second floor to park. There was a stair entry near the area I had darkened. She was a little late so I figured there was not much chance that she would mention the closed parking spot to the receptionist. Besides, I could easily put it off for a few days if I needed to.
I figured I had at least an hour and a half to do my work. I gave her five minutes in case she had to come back for something she had forgotten, but she didn’t return. Getting into the car was easy, and I was well prepared. Think about this you are driving around with 20 gallons of gasoline – that’s the equivalent of a 500 pound bomb! It’s energy dense, gasoline. Then you have a pump that pressurizes the highly flammable liquid before it can be injected into the cylinders. And very conveniently, you have a very hot item, the catalytic converter, it has to be hot to work! Hot item, high pressure gas, why do you think you see so many cars stopped along the road on fire!
Of course the engineers spend a lot of time and energy keeping the two things – the gas and the hot converter from coming together – however, it is easy for a knowledgeable person to subvert the safeguards and bring the two together, and not leave any traces of the manipulation. Got it “fixed”, fast and easy – thanks to practice on a similar car I had rented. However, the cars you see on fire beside the road have the drivers standing outside – that wouldn’t work for me. I had to get the car burning and keep her inside, no, it’s not a pretty sight, but there is a special beauty to the concept don’t you think?
How to keep her in the car? Simple! Ever had a seat belt that didn’t work? Here’s how I did it. I took a two phase epoxy cement. It had a liquid element and an element that was like clay - mix them together and you have a quick and very strong bond. A couple of drops in the buckle element, and a little of the clay in the end that is inserted. They mix a little –not the full mix that is necessary for the full strength, but I tested it and in ten minutes it set up strong enough. In fact it took a couple of hours to get the seat belt unlocked!
That was it, a fiercely burning fire, and a lady who couldn’t get her seat belt unlocked and would probably panic. Simple, easy and quick. Good thing I can separate my feelings from my job.
Chapter Four
The payment was delayed a little for the Ms Classy work, I suppose they had to wait for the will to go through probate. I was beginning to think I might have to send a message, a very special message, and then the payment arrived.
A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to use a rather ingenious plan I had developed. You have heard about the dangers of drug interactions, right? One prescription from the dermatologist, another from the cardiologist. A druggist who isn’t paying attention or a computer program that isn’t up to date, and “boom,” well not really boom, but the patient drops dead. Happens all the time, and there are a number of protocols to keep this from happening.
So for my work, it was a matter of defeating the safety checks, and the mix-up would probably be chalked up to an unavoidable error, and not investigated too thoroughly; no need to make waves. Of course, you had to have the right target, one who takes pills! But who doesn’t, now? and the life style pills are always on the top of the most prescribed list. Anti depressants, pain killers, cholesterol lowering drugs, and blood pressure lowering drugs. Three of these are easy targets, the antipsychotics can easily lead to abuse and to loss of consciousness a bit of a problem when operating heavy equipment – like a car! Blood pressure can be too low, like zero! And pain killers can kill. There is even a TV commercial about a guy who is riding a motorcycle and has had two medications prescribed that can have a fatal interaction, like the motorcycle is a safe way to get from place to place. I love to study the really crazy things that Americans, and other moderns believe, like airplanes vs cars – but don’t get me started., I use these stupid ideas often.
The person really doesn’t matter, at least to me, I could give you a newspaper reference, but I won’t. Any way, he was a man who took prescription medications, several. How did I find out? First of all I saw him wearing a medic-alert bracelet! Clear giveaway. No, I didn’t walk up to him shake hands and ask him what he was allergic to. Although sometimes it is just that easy. In this case I had to get access to his medical record. Now, medical records are pretty secure, but they are online and that opens up some interesting opportunities. Hell, I had blood work reports on line by the time I got home from the lab last week. But secure enough, really is mostly secure enough to satisfy the anxiety of the patients. I’m not going to go into the science here. But if you want to know more read the book The Art of Intrusion: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers (Paperback)
by Kevin D. Mitnick, and that’s the old stuff. Getting a medical record number and a password is childs-play. Drugs stores and doctors offices are primed to expect people to be honest and truthful and in some degree of pain or anguish, and they are caring people. Believe me, I’ll take a challenge like that any day, “I’m her brother, and you can call me back at this number to verify, no please verify who I am. She really needs this right now.” Ever watch a Percocet drug abuser work the system? It’s a joy to behold. Or, I’m from the drug store and I need to verify this prescription. He is standing at the counter right now.” Office staff, “Is it-----? No, how about ____? No? Must be _____?” Yeah that’s it, thanks, I appreciate it, He was starting to get hostile, Suzy, I owe you one.”
Back to my story. As I said, my Import/Export business gives me access to a lot of drugs that are not available in this country, and in dosage levels that are amazingly high – you know, cut the pill into quarters to save money, that sort of thing. So I have a large supply of really interesting pills in my safe, really interesting stuff – you would be surprised!
So, access to the medical record was simple, and I quickly went to my drug interaction manual. Sure, it’s supposed to prevent drug interactions, but – ever heard of reverse engineering?
Okay, but now how do you get the person to inject this lethal mix. You could break into their home, I’ve done that. It is a simple answer to the problem, but if you have a tight time line, and a specific date you are working with – remember your employer needs an iron clad alibi, you may need a more specific and direct method of getting the work done.
Of course it all depends on the habits, again the habits, of my consumer – consumer of my product. I’ve found that Starbucks provides a wonderful opportunity for the delivery. Think about it; they take orders, get your name, write it on the cup, and leave it on the counter to be picked up. Further, the taste of coffee, especially when you add milk or soya or caramel, or god knows what, will mask the bitter taste of most medications, and the heat of the coffee ensures that it will dissolve quickly and mix the unintended ingredients!
My guy was an addict, and he went to three different Starbucks at three different times during the day, every day! I decided mid-afternoon was the best time, he ordered a grande, whatever that is, and added a lot of stuff to it, sort of an afternoon energy boost/desert, and he almost chugged it. I couldn’t see how he was able to drink it so hot, but he did.
Perfect set up. I was there ahead of him, and had my coffee at a table. I saw him order and take his seat and open his laptop. As soon as the Barrista sat the cup on the bar, I was there, adding cream to my partially finished coffee – I hate Starbucks tastes burnt to me, so it was quite a sacrifice for me – but a job is a job I slipped the pill into his cup, and picked it up – looking to see if it had my name on it, and sat it down again. He was at my elbow and immediately took the big cup back to the table he had set up his laptop on.
Another good thing about Starbucks is that you can be totally anonymous! Sit there in front of an open laptop and nobody even sees you, you are a nonevent, a non person how good can it getI I stayed long enough to finish my coffee, choking it down, terrible tasting stuff – next time I’ll order tea,, to ensure that he was attacking the coffee in his usual manner, and left. The drug interaction information indicated that the person simply fell into a deep sleep, and then never woke up. The great thing about this scenario was that he would not be discovered at his desk for several hours and taken to the hospital. He would simply be seen as napping, until it was too late.
The coffee I had in the hotel café the next morning as I read the newspaper account was much better that the Starbucks. They were going to do an autopsy, because of his age and the somewhat unusual circumstances, but the toxicology reports take over a month and it would find an elevated level of a prescription he was already taking! There was no indication of malfeasance, misadventure, or mistake listed in the news report.
Home again, home again, kids birthday party this afternoon, and a dance recital this evening. Parenting is a full time job isn’t it?
Chapter Five
One of the things I had considered on the last job I told yu about was to get the information I needed by asking to see his smart phone. People are so happy to show off their new electronics that they forget that they have a lot of very personal information right there. I took my health record number off my cell phone right after that job, you can’t be too careful with some of the kooks that are out there.
This morning there was a report of a fire started by a faulty heater, did you read it? Did you think about me? Was it in a wealthy neighborhood? No, then I didn’t do it. I do have a gas and electric company uniform that I sometimes use to check on reports of leaks in gas lines. That always works, who isn’t worried about gas fires and explosions. I even do some part time work for the gas company as a subcontractor to keep up the image and knowledge base. This is a serious profession you know, but I wouldn’t ever do a gas job here - out of town sure.
Earlier nests, dens, edges, light, medialerts, envelopes, laptop batteries that overheat, skype camera, druggist, online medical records, drug interactions, computer programs, control of cars breaking systems etc..
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